
You are correct, as far as your second paragraph goes anyway. My main gripe is that, seeing as this is a sci-fi, fantasy blog - and a good one at that, they shouldn't be putting out articles like these. Like I've said, the movie wasn't as bad as the article made it out to be, and some people might like it. Telling

I'm sorry my unbiased opinions bother you.

Point taken. But despite the fact, my point still stands. Comments are just comments, this article is more publicly viewed than comments are, and I don't think this movie should be put down this much because potential viewers who might actually enjoy the movie would be discouraged to see it - as people had already

Ugh..... really? That's not what I meant. There's a difference between reviewing a movie and dissecting each and every part of it. When you meet a person, do you examine every inch of their body and every part of their history before liking them? Didn't think so.

The point was her ability to cope, not the lobotomy. She was able to transform everything that was disgusting in her world into something she could deal with. That's what we all do in life. We deal with things and overcome them because we picture them a certain way. If you were falsely imprisoned in an asylum,

You totally missed the whole point of the movie then..

COME ON iO9! Why are you comparing this movie to so many things? The movie wasn't that bad. It was a beautiful, dark fairy tale. Does every movie have to have top of the line CGI and grammy nominated actors? The point of the movie was well executed (escapism) and it got to the point.


If I was a part of some highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization, I would leave Earth alone. At its current state at least. Most of us "Earthlings" are scared, violent, and ignorant. In other words, not ready. /wishful thinking/ I'd be more than ready to meet some ETs though..

I'm sure Seth Rogen's been in an American Dad episode or two. But that's besides the point. And yes, the alien does look like Roger from said show, but most gray aliens do. I have to agree with Rogen's voice though. It ruins my suspension of disbelief when you have a very iconic voice doing VO work for a CGI

I would buy a 360 JUST FOR THIS. And Limbo. ..And the better looking version of Bayonetta. But that's it!

I'm one of THE biggest Sandman fans, and at first I was skeptical about this show (even though I would have probably watched it), but now that I know Gaiman's involved? Oh man. NERD.BO.NER. Seriously. This is the best news I've heard in YEARS as far as comic book/graphic novel adaptations go. I am seriously EXCITED!

Ugh, he's too adorable in this interview lol.

I don't really understand what's so white trash about corn rows, a faux hawk, and an old school tattoo. That image is now the epitome of the 'rockstar chick' in Hollywood. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful piece of art, but I don't see anything all that 'white trash' about it.

Haha weird I was just watching this episode not so long ago. *Sigh* I miss the old times. I need to ..buy all those episodes or something. Anyone remember that Scooby-Doo episode (one of the older incarnations) where they had that pale-faced vampire in a cape and his daughter became hypnotized whenever the watch/alarm

I'm pretty sure there are two Spanish films with the same concept. Haunted house, baby monitors, haunted babies and all (I know that describes a lot of horror movies but this one is pretty close). One of them was on Comcast On Demand's Fearnet, and the other was up for rent. What's funny is that those two films were

I was going to say the same thing. If they want to get it right, just use motion capture! Stick those balls on those actors, grab the cameras and computers and have them go at it. Lol.

I remember someone mentioning this in one of those PS3-hacked articles, but by putting up such anti-piracy challenges, hackers will just become more determined to hack the device. Anyway, this is technology. Someone will hack it eventually, and Nintendo will respond accordingly. And it will be a never-ending game of

I'm sad now. What the fudgecakes man. GDT can't walk away from a Lovecraft project! That's like Peter Jackson walking away from Lord of the Rings or Lucas walking away from Star Wars. Can we start a petition or something? Maybe the world will end in 2012 afterall.

I'm sad now. What the fudgecakes man. GDT can't walk away from a Lovecraft project! That's like Peter Jackson walking away from Lord of the Rings or Lucas walking away from Star Wars. Can we start a petition or something? Maybe the world will end in 2012 afterall.