
Considering a re-casting of Will Smith would likely require seeing his no-talent dunderhead son in the film, I'm Ok with this development.

He's right, you're being kinda of a douche about it. I do some astrophotography so I know the techniques involved, and you're really trying too hard to put yourself on a pedestal.

Are you just reading talking points culled from Limbaugh's dumpster?... because it sounds like you're reading talking points from Limbaugh's dumpster.

Blaming the housing crisis on poor people... yeah, right. And BTW I thought conservatives preferred looser regulations. See you guys just can't get your stories straight.

You must be a real hoot at parties.

Is your real name Zoolander?

Sorry to say, yes they do. This is natural selection. If the parent is too stupid to take proper care of their kid then we don't want them in the gene pool anyway.

That's funny because I thought trickle-down economics was the biggest lie perpetrated on the American public.

Born in '68. Had that comic as a kid. Loved it. Recently repurchased it off ebay. Still love it.

HAH thanks for that. I kinda suspected you were a mouth breathing moron, but you just proved it.

I had no idea Lindsey Graham had an io9 account.

If you've never contacted your Congressional representatives to complain of the lack of funds for NASA then you have no room to bitch about it.

Perhaps it looks the same because physics hasn't changed in the last 40 years.

The LOOKS of it are what disappointed you? You cannot be serious.

I miss Joe's semi-drunk ramblings too.. but I do love the cowboy.

Maybe it was harder to see through that face mask than we think.

If I had more time I'd be rushing to photoshop a picture of Chevy Chase and a whale... (yes, I too am old)

Can I subscribe to your newsletter?

What exactly do you want to see done differently? You seem to have some insight that no one including thousands of physicists, mathematicians and rocket scientists seem to have.

Photographers who specialize in night sky photography take pics all the time like this. While I wouldn't say this is easy to do, even an average photographer can get a decent night shot with the right lens, a long exposure, and a little post work in Photoshop/Lightroom.

I wish we could harness the power of whining about where people should be putting "our" dollars. We could power the entire world for centuries.