
That's the thermonuclear bomb of scientific logic. No ignorance can withstand it.



Hysteria over China, and an ensuing demand we ratchet up our defense spending in 3..2..1...

I've found ingeneral the rule at a lot of museums is, photography of permanent exhibitions is ok, of temporary travelling exhibits it's not.

Ha yeah I can see Neiman in that.

Looks more Van Gogh than Monet.

I had a rooted iPhone for 3 years and never once did I pirate an app.

This has nothing to do with security through obscurity. iOS as a platform is the dominant mobile platform by far. How is that obscure?

Honey badgers with drivers licenses.

Rush, Grace Under Pressure. Seen every tour since, some tours up to 4x.

Why is Fox News covering this story? Oh right, it happened in France and we are supposed to hate France.

I would disagree with this comment:

Loki Stormbringer unavailable for comment.

Forced obsolescence? Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. I've had a mac.com email address since 2000 and still use it as my primary. So they are giving you another email address. Big deal.

Now playing

I know it has lasers capable of drilling into rock, but I don't know what sort of organic compound detectors it has.

A small detail to note about the Curiosity is that its mission is not to detect evidence of biological life, past or present. The core mission of Curiosity is to evaluate what the historical climate of Mars may have been like.

If that's considered fat then consider me a fatty lover. Because day-um.

If you think NASA is on its deathbed, you aren't paying close enough attention. They certainly could use more funding, there is no doubt of that. Contact your Congressional representatives and demand it.

I think that very eloquently summed it up. Of course people will continue to try and marginalize people's taste by calling Apple users "fanboys". There's a reason people are excited about Apple products. They have worked hard to build that brand loyalty.