Dear Jenn321,
Dear Jenn321,
They'll commiserate with you here:
They'll commiserate with you here:
They'll commiserate with you here:
They'll commiserate with you here:
Putting on a Yale sweater while holding a hockey stick shouldn't even be on the same planet as a White putting on blackface.
Putting on a Yale sweater while holding a hockey stick shouldn't even be on the same planet as a White putting on blackface.
Putting on a Yale sweater while holding a hockey stick shouldn't even be on the same planet as a White putting on blackface.
I'll take the word of the students that are POC about the culture of the school and how they're treated. I'm pretty sure they know more about that than we do.
Oh, I know where the school is. I read the articles about this situation a few days ago.
The Black students of the school stated that the confederate flag (and the use of nigger) was a big part of the culture of the school and the surrounding community. It doesn't matter that they're in New Jersey.
Putting on a Yale sweater while holding a hockey stick shouldn't even be on the same planet as a White putting on blackface.
They'll commiserate with you here:
We're not getting any enlightened discussions here either. Just a bunch of White women calling the girl a racist and defending White people and a few POC trying to have some discourse.
Settle down sport. Maybe you should go to where they appreciate your viewpoint. Here I'll even give you the url:
It's only offensive if you think that what she did was "racist."
I understand why White people have a hard time not seeing themselves as victims of racism.
Yea. . . which is a reference to the culture of the school and the surrounding community. I'm not going to doubt the lived experienced of the Blacks that go to her school (who have said that the confederate flag and getting called nigger is a constant in their lives).
She didn't assert anything. She tagged the picture #Lawrenceville and #romney2016. I'm sure she knows the culture of the school better than we do. I'd take her word over the dominant power any day.
I thought they did that already with their frat/sorority parties.