Evie Havok

What's wrong with your English and grammar/sentence structure? The way you write is kind of irritating.

Doesn't matter. White women/girls are still part of the dominant culture. It won't hurt you to be approached by men of color (sexual harassment aside).

That's untrue. New technologies enable all kinds of fucked up behavior.

I'm also very ugly, so I think that helps, too. I get to be invisible because of the way I look. I know people don't like to hear it because they don't want it to be true. But I've found that the way you look, carry and present yourself definitely factors into how much you're harassed on the street.

I haven't either and I live in Los angeles. I've been told that I have a rather terrifying countenance, so that might be one reason. There's just something about the way I carry myself that doesn't lend itself to street harassment. It's the face, closed off body language, and height.

I get the appeal of the actor (and watched him on GOT). His nose totally kills it for me, sorry.

I don't know how to say this without sounding, well, mean. Those are some nasty looking women. Ew. So much for the master race.

Well, she's White, rich, youngish, and passably attractive. That right there is enough to not be that interested in feminism. It doesn't serve her right now. Wait until she starts looking a little bit haggish and you'll make her see a complete turn. That's the way it always happens.

Well, now she's about to have three kids with him. There's something she must like about him. I'm guessing he has a big cock (or a medium sized one) and knows how to use it on her.

Scott Disick is a really likable asshole. He and Khloe are the best Kardashian family members.

Ok. I'm glad I came late.

I don't give a crap. This country keeps on breeding people with issues like that dude. My family is generationally mixed (we're 3rd gen Mex-American) and none of us "battle" with issues like that. This is male/racial privilege converging in an awful way.

This has so many typos.

Ok, I'm glad I came to this post late so I can say want.

My mom wanted to name me Guadalupe so she could call me Lupita. Thanks to my dad all three of my names (first, middle, and last) are all kind of French-y. So, yep, I was saved from name discrimination in a big way. I'm actually really glad that I have my name. It's not really common and isn't going to be common in the

I wouldn't know about any of that stuff in your first paragraph. I don't do any of it. No waxing, no shaving, and I don't wear make up or pushup bras. You know why? Because I shouldn't have to do any of that to fit into society or have people accept me. And that was my point in all of this.

You know why? Because getting the cosmetic surgery signifies that you caved to the pressures of a society that was making you feel shitty and worthless. That you caved to a society that told you that the way you looked was so so horrible that you had to risk death to snip, rip, and tear away everything that was wrong