
Why are there so many people here that do not understand this? I would think that most gamers should also be into other tech, to at least some degree.

To those that still find it unclear: this will improve signal fidelity. It won't increase the n64's output resolution. The image will be much clearer and crisper than with component cables, without the fuzziness and blurriness, and that's it.

They should have kept Killzone Killzone. They tried to make it feel more like Call of Duty, and that is just what it did for me. Turned it into another generic shooter. I loved all 3 previous Killzone games for the way they played. Shadow Fall doesn't feel like Killzone. Or look like it, for that matter.

...i mean, it looks great? the graphics are good enough that you can flow from cutscene to gameplay and back and not be able to tell the difference. and thats great and all but the gameplay looks bland as hell. Cover based shooting in a dark, gray alleyway? Surely they can do better then that and i'm sure they did,

I can't stand that guy. My kid likes him. I guess you have to be 12 to "get it".

One has four wheels and one has two

Most are playing Yakuza. Jealous?

Dafuk is wrong with you?

I'm have a hard time having such a positive outlook when it comes to the Xbox1. It's more expensive, and less powerful than the PS4, with fewer exclusives. I don't have any interest in it, at this point, but that's not saying much. The more worrying thing is that I have a family member that was, what many would call,

And like your dick, the controller needs to be recharged after playing for short periods of time.

The ps4 controller is obscenely comfortable. Its like holding your own DICK in your hands.

There is one other factor that we need to take into account. When the PS2 launched, Japan was in a boom market. At this point they are suffering a recession just as bad, if not worse that the U.S. had. That takes a toll on luxury items first. I know first hand. This is the first time that I did not get a PlayStation

Hard or flacid, you're coming with me.

Taken from Wikipedia:

Videogames are only ever rated 6 through 10 though

You choose wrong site. Kotaku is full of PC gamers, and majority of them hate Sony and PS4. The rest is Xbox and Nintendo fanboys. You expecting Sony trolls, you better go to site like N4G or IGN.

Why are you being silly? Is there any doubt that the PS4 will be anything but a smashing and epic success.....in Sony's home? Seriously bro, is there? NO!!

Um... What the hell? What would cause you to think that the PS4 will be anything less than a massive success for the Japanese launch? It's already is the fastest selling console in history, and shows no signs of slowing. Hitting the Japanese market is only going to expound on the, already massive, success.