I don't see how anyone could be surprised by this. Of course they lined up. It's the only console available, and it's the first in 14 years. They would have lined up for a Gamecube.
I don't see how anyone could be surprised by this. Of course they lined up. It's the only console available, and it's the first in 14 years. They would have lined up for a Gamecube.
Is anyone surprised by this? The Wii U hasn't sold all that well, and most of the people that did by one are not interested in this type of game. It's Nintendo.
I'm sold. I only played the demo on PS3, and I've always wanted to play the whole thing.
Get a job, fanboy.
Wow... I'd be surprised if you could tie your shoes without help.
So far, this looks great. I can't wait to see how it is going to turn out. It's on my watch list, for sure.
Go ahead. I won't stop you.
Agreed. Even Far Cry 2 was bad for, once you've been spotted, everyone knows exactly where you are, and can shoot you.
I have often thought about this. The computer knows exactly where I am, and what I am doing, but has to pretend that it doesn't. It plays dumb.
I've done that more than once.
I*'m guessing that you're still waiting for a mate?.. I have no idea why that would be. /sarcasm
This, for some reason, sounds like Delirium, dimmed down, to me.
Sony had done this with E3 for PS2 years ago. I think it was the 2000 E3.
I was elected by the people of the great state of vidgameistan in a closely contested election.
This will never make sense to me. A reasonably social person will find other ways to interact than buying multiple copies of the same game on different systems. Unlike people who spend money on jewelry, and clothing (I don't understand that either) buying the same game is not going to give you something that you…
I still don't get it. It seems like a waste me. Now, I would understand if a better iteration of the same game came out. I have bought a couple HD collections.
I don't think that this has anything to do with the difference between the PC, and new console version of the game. Am I the only one that remembers the past, where Ubi has shown a game that looks better than the final product? AC2 comes to mind, for one.
I played on PS3. Maybe that was the difference.