
Look at all the cry babies here that are bitching about The Last of Us getting all of these awards, which it more than deserved.

Great video, love the jokes. Seems as though they missed one, though; after you kill the flies, couldn't the woman say "All your vase is belong to us?"

Is this the opening event to the Winter Olympics?

Anyone else think that the only reason that this is here is because of the "shitaku" reference?

Exactly. It's just a game... Play along. I've always found people that are afraid to sing to the point where it becomes an issue, no matter how small, have massive inferiority complexes, that should be worked through with a professional.

I found this funny. Why would anyone not just sing?

I didn't tell anyone anything. I politely asked.

It makes me sad :(

PC Master Race:

Um... No!

The character in the game is female. For a male to cosplay as that character is...Well it's just not right.

Can we stop with dudes dressing up as female characters please?

Cool, now take out the lego colored ships and recreat Mass Effect 3 last space battle. BRING IT REAPERS!

Brother.... That's the new PlayStation Eye. You know, the latest iteration of the EyeToy that launched in 2003. The More You Know...(music with flying star thing)