
You spewed soooo much ridiculous bullshit, so I will only take one thing that you have said into account. Ready?

I also have the conceited jackass card, and the arrogant prick certificate.

Could you hand that to me please?.. That there in your pocket... Your Gamer card. Having no interest in Mass Effect at this point deems necessary that I take it. If you play through the Mass Effect, and Metal Gear Solid series' in their entirety you can have it back.

Touching someone when they don't want to be touched is <i>ALWAYS</i> bad. That being said, there are A-holes out there that don't care.

Aww man.. That is awful. I'm so sorry to hear that you had your things stolen. I have been through it. Beyond everything that you lose, it just feels like such a violation.

I would counter, who is naive enough to think that the camera will never be used to gather data. I don't think that they will have constant monitors watching, but you'd better believe that they can, and will look in on you.

I'm betting that these screens are for "next gen" hardware. They will be a PS3 version, sure, but these look "next gen" to me.