Your logic is a paradox of infinite regression. If they gas needs some other entity to push off of to exert force, then what does that other entity push off of? And what does that entity push off of? Where does the chain end?
Your logic is a paradox of infinite regression. If they gas needs some other entity to push off of to exert force, then what does that other entity push off of? And what does that entity push off of? Where does the chain end?
He chopped its’ arm off. It’s reasonably safe to assume it bled to death unless it knows about cauterizing wounds.
Gamers have be awful lately. Make game like A, B complains. Make game like B, A complains. Make game inbetween A and B, everyone complains. Then years down the road they complain the new games aren’t like the ones they originally complained about.
Nerd fight! Nvidia rolls a 1!
Another great one.
At least it mixes it up. The usual stupid cliches people have at their weddings are so boring.
And, of course, there's the price. IT'S OVER 9,000 (YEN)!!!
I prefer Voyeur (1994). Better acting and a nude scene ;)
If this were Skyrim, I think it'd be great to change the sound of a Dragonshout to, "HEE HEE!"
This is Batman from the universe where he decks himself out in high level raid gear from WoW. Shoulders, ho!
Not enough useless belts, 3/10, would not bang.
What in the everlasting fuck is that? I honestly wouldn't have known that's Batman if I hadn't been told.
Because... Koreans!
Seriously though, forget the bullies stealing your lunch money, now they'll take your homework too! Assuming the people that wear these snack packs keep their homework in these bags. And didn't I see a pack of yogurt drinks on top of one of these bags? What happens when it expires and the person…
If you payed $40 for Icarly 2, you should not be allowed to breed/vote/talk.
I'm pretty sure that was exactly the point of the comment, and I'm half-sure that you actually know that but I'm posting this anyway.
You do realize a parsec is a measurement of distance, not time, right?!