Or as my non-wrestling fan friend says every time I make him play, “Why won’t they add a mode that is actually fun?”.
I am super psyched for this year’s entry, even with the minority controversy about misleading advertising regarding who would get early access
Reading isn’t your strong point I take it.
Just quit, ya won’t get much XP anyway and you’ll save some time of your life to spend on playing the next match.
“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”
You seem a little angry, you ok? Cheer up, life’s not so bad.
Better a shill than a lunatic who loses his mind over a video game.
Oh and being an Alien from another world filled with pipes and pissed off plants.
he is 40 in that video.
Honestly, the fact that there are that many people at the Garden to watch a meaningless Knicks preseason game (the Yanks are playing a playoff game not too far away from there!) is Exhibit A why James Dolan will never change a thing
I feel great about myself. I enjoy things and allow others to enjoy the things they like without putting them down. You seem overly aggressive and angry over a Mario game. Something in your life needs some sorting out. Good luck to you.
I think you’re the only person that got “fooled”.
All I ever wanted.
See I found God Eater to be simple and boring. The weapons felt clunky and bland and the story was about as exciting as the latest CoD story, again this is simply my opinion. I could’ve gotten past the story issues but the weapons are basically the primary mechanic you interact with. None of them felt particularly…
This video scared the shit outta me when I was a kid (although I like the song). I actually just listened to it with the video opened in another tab so I wouldn’t have to look at it lol
Stop fucking browsing at work with your speaker volume up, idiot.
Because not everyone is such a twat.