oh god it’s one of those insufferable nerds who yaps on and on about sales numbers

You seem like a fun person.

The thing is fucking portable. Bleeding edge graphics are not supposed to be its thing.

28 micro sd cards.

Their racing analogy is actually 100% correct, because to the OP, Marvel is harder than Street Fighter. It is clear they know that F1 is harder than Nascar.

It was decent game who just chose a really bad time to come out.

wut dafaq u tlking bout bruh

This draw is like when you’re a kid and Wrestlemania ends in a DQ.

Solidarity among employees worked. What a concept.

This is basically the point I was trying to make by trolling this dude. What a shitbird.

The fact that you need to argue this with someone who is just excited to play the game, regardless of whatever you feel the need to correct him on, makes you a fucking dickhead. Giant paragraphs of text to drive a point home. The guy’s excited to play Metroid, let it go.

Okay, I’ll allow it, Tidu’s laugh actually made that entire scene funny.

My personal favorite still has to be the Big Bang Theory/Tidus laugh:

Your comment is both idiotic and contradictive. Ignore these people even though you know they aren’t all like this, well if we do that, then we might as well stop supporting Football because Michael Vick was involved in Dog fighting which means by your own logic ALL FOOTBALL players are involved in Dog Fighting and

Bloodborne’s load times weren’t nearly as long. They’d usually be 20-30 seconds. Only a very small set of areas hit above that, with the top time being I think 51 seconds or something similar. And it got patched and is reasonable now.

ReCore is much worse.

Sarcasm friend.

i dont think anyone asked you though

You just had to be that guy.

The video is named “The floor is lava”.

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.