
The Pixies “Doolittle”. Not only is it an awesome record, it influenced countless other bands including Nirvana. Without this the Seattle sound may have never existed.

The Pixies “Doolittle”. Not only is it an awesome record, it influenced countless other bands including Nirvana.

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

Yup. Literally never been like “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK!!!!......no. No wait. That wasn’t enough. I better yell the N word.” 

How hard is it to just not be an awful person?

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

I bet if you wanted to go through the hassle, you could get at least a hundred for it on eBay instead of recycling it!

hmm. who clicked on the article? oh wait, did you magically appear here?

I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?

I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking

Feels like there’s some sort of way to make a political joke about old white people screwing up and going with the wrong winner.

Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

Not shitty training, finely honed racism.



I’m old enough to remember calling up Activision regularly asking when Mechwarrior 2 will come out.

Y’know what?

Thank god. I grew up on the Atari and the NES, but the MechWarrior titles ate up enough of my teenage years that I cannot -wait- for 2018 (and I was already stoked for the western release of Yakuza 6).

Also, thank fuck someone’s still making dedicated single player games. I love me some co-op and

Stoked! MW3 was my first properly immersed PC game as a young’un.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

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