
There's a whole universe of "clubs," including yacht clubs. You can be a member of a local organization that owns a few keelboats and dinghys for about $1,000 in the NYC metro area (seriously, there are at least three of them at that price point); it can be even more reasonable if you know your usage will be limited

This. Everyone who has saved a woman from sex slavery at the hands of homicidal shotgun-wielding hillbillies can critique Mr. Higgs technique. Everyone else can just lay off speculating whether the guy who risked his ass to save a woman from sexual slavery is maybe mildly retarded. Seriously people.

Any model Ford Country Squire. e.g.

The Miata was created as the "Lightweight Sports Car," a throwback to British sports cars without the inherent unreliability, leaks, and other general shittiness. The idea was to make a car that was once again about driving, not going from Point A to Point B, and occasionally Point C. It had — and still has — every

Fucking Philly. Hey genius, the second part of an "if, then" sentence is supposed to be something that follows as a consequence of the first part. If the second clause is definitely going to happen, then saying "if blah blah blah" doesn't make any sense.

No, this is Gawker. Wacka Flocka is in the pantheon of heavy hip hop but Earl Simmons is not.

You couldn't get consumption from hotbunking with Kafka and Chekov in a three-man submarine.

You couldn't get ebola from giving mouth to mouth in Monrovia.

You couldn't get the virus from sharing a needle with Magic Johnson.


The market-clearing price will not provide every person with a good. It will provide people who are willing to pay the cost of the good, plus a small premium, with the good and only those people. If the price is below cost, then the market is not efficient. There is a market inefficiency at work. Stop using words

I'm not going to give you anything for them. Just like these assholes aren't paying for the right to street race. I'm going to take them. Illegally . Like these assholes have taken the public thoroughfare as their personal track.

I demand stacks upon stacks of $100 bills. This demand is not being met in the market, therefore I am justified in stealing or engaging in other illegal actions to clear.

That's a ridiculous question. Of course they want to see Guardians of the Galaxy.

Just because the road turn out to be empty doesn't mean that doing this on a road that you have not arranged to definitely be empty doesn't make you a dangerous asshole. I have driven in this area at all hours of the day and night, and while it is emptier at night, you still see cars, and you still (sometimes) hit

Psh, do you know how many Miatas I can buy for the cost of a 10mm socket and ratchet?

As a New Yorker, I will never forgive your mortal driving sin of being from Massachusetts generally and Boston specifically, but we have common cause regarding Seattle. It's like the entire city is 80 years old, high, and driving with the parking brake on.