Isaac Marchionna

Doesn’t look any worse than an FJ Cruiser.

Still better looking than an FJ Cruiser.

Just ran Baja as part of the Trail of Missions, and we weren’t racing but by god man is that brutal on the trucks. My 4Runner felt absolutely beat to death 2000 miles later.


Been there, doing that:

Well my desthstar is now in full firing position.

Can someone man-splain this to me? Because it’s amazing.

I thought these turned out pretty darn good.

Overlanding // Car Camping

I own a crazy built up 4Runner and even I’m looking at this like, “really toyota, really?!”

Hey that’s my local shop, 503 Motoring. Those guys do rad work.

That time I got stuck on the way to the mall. Just kidding I’m in a toyota. I didn’t get stuck.

The cradle of civilization...just not class.

They make replica’s of the FJ badge, so much so that I had to give tribute to my very first 4x4 (1978 FJ40) on my 4Runner.

And now they’re facing a hell of a legal issue. So yes it’s fairly expensive and time consuming to make videos like this happen, for...a...reason.

No and I’m not implying it is a cakewalk, but it’s not some impossible experience to navigate, and then you have the added security of controlling the course and being able to do multiple runs without worrying about being caught, or risking someone’s life who didn’t sign up for it.

If it was interpreted as simply

Oh wait, Ben, hey. Yeah, the amount of safety proceedures in place for when we filmed RECOIL 3 wasn’t ridiculous, but that was a PRO driver, with PRO support staff, and a PRO video team who knew the margins of safety. To say a set like RECOIL 3 was without danger would be foolish, but it was professionals being smart

It’s not cheap, but it’s not impossibly expensive. My point being is that when all goes right no one is harmed on a shoot like this, but had he injured someone else the cost would have been catastrophic.

Also, what project, RECOIL?

Cheaper than a legal case like this or a wrongful death suit if something happened on an un-controlled course?