I normally keep the top plate, assault pack, and side ribs. Wouldn't leave much room for the LCD, but I think if I could fit a good 24-70 or 5omm, and a few batteries, it'd be do-able. TIGHT...but doable. /thatswhatshesaid
I normally keep the top plate, assault pack, and side ribs. Wouldn't leave much room for the LCD, but I think if I could fit a good 24-70 or 5omm, and a few batteries, it'd be do-able. TIGHT...but doable. /thatswhatshesaid
You can keep a scarlet or epic stripped pretty far down if say you were doing location scouts or really guerilla style. But a backpack might do the trick. How well? Not sure.
Would be interesting to actually see if something like the RED EPIC would fit well in that as a grab and go bag. Especially as an alternative to the Tamron backpacks.
Take that punchline and give it away, give it away, give it away now!
God I hope there's more lens flares in this movie *pleasepleaseplease*
Lack of masturbation would cause anyone to be pissed off and wanting to destroy SUVs.
I used to think fairly low of making montages of other media. However the more I see of Gen Ip's work the more I'm fairly certain her work really transcends from "oh look a fan re-edit, meh" to "this is greater than the sum of it's original parts!" Ultimately this reminds me as a filmgoer why I love the act of making…