
Wouldn't trust Obama.

People with stars normally know where the shift key is. /s Well being a member of the old Whitenoise, I can say that commenting on Gizmodo used to be a lot better, it actually was the reason I read Gizmodo more than Engadget. I used to read every comment put down by every star, but now the comments are mostly rubbish.

It's Hipster season again.

They have those in dirt 3, you just have to put it to the floor and counter steer I think.

I have the barrel, I have a few five horse brigs motors laying around, I have a bike, but the bow. That's my stumper. Guess I'd have to steal a canoe.

Geeks, republican or democrat we need to be bipartisan here in agreeing this would make the Government too big.

Well Fish aren't caused much pain while being reeled in as they don't have the equivalent nerve endings us humans have. Actually they cannot sense pain at all, so fish can't suffer.

Like a B52 needing to drop the entire cargo of missiles because they were running low on fuel?

Woo, didn't scream like a toddler, but i did jump fairly high. Fucking Surprising. Now I am all jumping. And guys face it, whether you screamed or not, a lion that want's to eat you probably will, unless your packing heat.

I have a buddy who's uncle is in the Chicago PD and is the Seargent of the Mob Busting unit. He's got some great stories about the wonderful city of chicago.

414 ftw here. My old number used to be 689-9999. That was awesome, but I got screwed when i switched from US cellular to Verizon.

It's a 450, just look at the size of the motor. Any avid off roader would know there is a huge difference in size of the motor.

I have this awesome body and I only have hangovers when I get so drunk i pass out, or drink Peppermint Schnapps.

I live on the NW side on On, by Kenora. I don't speak much french and I was in Montreal once and I hated it, every time I answered my phone in English I would get glared at.

Torrents FTW. Cable company's lose money when doing shit like this because it just makes more people torrent.

Would you rather have a job in a good economy or have your street repaved every other year? In Canada we believe that you should be able to rollar blade down every road in the damn country. You know how much that costs us?

Tl;DR wanted to say something to your second paragraph, even if there is no Spending or debt crisis, cutting aid would probably end up creating a ton of jobs. Where do you think the money comes from to keep unemployed floating? SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS POCKETS! They get fucked and fucked again by the government. SBO's

Wait I don't get what you said. I'm Canadian so I love the little flame wars you Americans get into online. Clarify on how (c) "Decreasing government spending will make things worse." I wish my government would decrease spending! I have to pay a 13% tax on anything related to a service. A Four night, 400$ Hotel bill

There is an old law in Ontario that if you build a cabin on Government Land and Live there for 25 years without the Government finding out about you, you can claim 25 Acres surrounding the Cabin. Now if the MNR(ministry of natural resources) finds your cabin (highly unlikely as there are millions of lakes in NW