
I have a list of people entitled People Actually worth Talking to and not one of those people has showed up yet in my new chat box.

What are you a fucking Hippie? America Obviously needs more firepower!

How about Oshkosh for the EA Museum Air Show


This guy deserves a beer from everyone in America. Even if you are against the war, you have to be with the Soldiers. You start spitting on troops when they come home and that just ruins lives. They are serving us, and you don't have to agree with the government but you have to side with them because the US of A will

Snowmobile engines are tiny, but they pack a punch. an 800cc BRP E-Tec Engine gets almost 155hp. My 5.4L V8 Ford motor gets 325hp.

My Paypall has a randomly generated password that I somehow memorized. Besides that my gmail and facebook password have a small variation of my password I use for everything else, it's simple to me but when i tried explaining it to someone else he never caught on to it.

They probably dug a retaining pond a mile away. This happened to my High School, the DNR dug a big goose pond a half mile away and it drained our two ponds and a natural wet land on the School's property.

The fall of Reach happened like a few days before Halo 1 so they should look the same

What about streaming shit? Like really who is going to buy a movie when you can just torrent it and watch it on your computer.

Is bungie doing this or 343?

There were very little advertisements because thats was when a game console did what it should, play games.

I will probably end up buying a PS3 for KH3 (If it comes on this genre) and Final Fantasy 13 VIII Versus. I fell in love with KH when it came out. It was the shit then.

What ROM/ Skin is this.

I LOVE THIS ARTICLE!!!! MATT BUCHANAN YOU DIRTY DOG THIS IS OLD GIZMODO RIGHT HERE. I read this and immediately smiled. Good journalism, you reported on something then told us what you thought was going to happen. THIS IS GREAT! If we could still heart users I would heart you.

Don't feed trolls, don't piss off Jezzies, never hit on Rosa and don't say something dumb to Jesus or Tony and you'll have no problem keeping it. ;)

I parked my truck outside for a week while on vacation and opened the door to see a mouse run under the seat. I threw a few dryer sheets under the seats and found it dead on top of one the next mourning. That shits like rat napalm.

CONGRATS ON THE STAR. 1+ For knowing what your are talking about.

Make it thicker.. Go for the same thickness as the iPhone 4

If someone makes a 8====D ring I will buy ten.