
Yeah, you’re right. I’m looking at it strictly from a “if I were definitely going to buy one of these systems” perspective vs. a “is it worth it for me to grab one of these systems when I don’t have a 4K TV and already own one or the other?” perspective, which is probably the one that most consumers will be looking at

Given the 2 TFLOP/s difference in performance between the two consoles, I’d pay a $50 premium to buy Scorpio over Neo for sure. $449 would be totally reasonable (in my opinion) vs. Neo’s $399 pricetag. It took four GPU generations for Nvidia’s flagship cards to go from 4 TFLOP/s (same as Neo) with the GTX 780 to 6.5

If rumors of a Scorpio release in 2Q ‘17 turn out to be true, it may only be a 5-7 month difference in release dates. It’ll be interesting to see how much Sony can afford to drop the price of the console if it doesn’t sell as well as they’re hoping. Given the very mixed reactions I’ve read to the PS4P reveal today, it

When you say Scorpio is “a non-factor for the PS4 pro in terms of competition,” you mean for now, right? If the Scorpio comes out 2nd Quarter 2017, we’re talking about a 6-7 month time period in which PS4P will be out longer than XBS. Does Sony not have to worry about Scorpio being “competition” for PS4 Pro when do you think Scorpio will be the better value in this instance?

Football games are now way too complicated and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna buy Madden ’16 and get crushed by some 14-year-old shitbag who lives 600 miles away. Not a chance.

So rich. Had a hearty chuckle at that myself.

if this doesn’t get starred at least 100 times, I’m gonna


...except you took the time to mention “they’re not equally bad,” as if that makes a difference at all. What should’ve been a “he’s right, they’re both terrible, everyone move on” thing, became a “now this is a conversation. why is this a conversation?” thing when you brought that up.

If one thing is horrendous, and

That’s not even an argument worth having. They’re both horrendous. Does it really matter if one is less horrendous than the other?, that’s not right at all. Pat’s and Geno’s are both absolute garbage. Tony Luke’s is fucking lightyears better than the below-scrapple-level animal waste that is a Pat’s/Geno’s cheesesteak.

“Or choke the Schuylkill with our Philthy dead.”

...while drinking “Schuylkill Punch.”

...or he was just making a joke?

EDIT: My bad. Just noticed your username. You’re right, I’m not. Carry on.

...aaaaand “Blake Griffin Enterprises” has already submitted a DMCA takedown for this. 56 minutes after it was posted. Jesus.

Daaaaamn, lol. Am white. Still laughed.

Man, I know this is morbid, but his arms and legs are so long and thin, he’s basically just flesh and bone. I can’t help but imagine what happens if he comes down wrong and breaks his leg or something. Jesus, something’s wrong with me.

Outside of that general fucking craziness on my part, the fact that he’s got an

It’s not about being lazy, and it’s definitely not as simple as just clicking the left mouse button being difficult. When you’re in a gunfight and players are purposefully moving to avoid your fire at a distance, sometimes you have to be lucky to ensure that when you click that left mouse button, you’re not doing it

That’s not even remotely random. Deep analytics + targeted advertising = clown advertisements before this video that mentions that word “clown” way more times than even videos containing clowns typically do.

If you don’t pull the trigger while aimed at someone, you don’t damage them. Triggerbots let you never miss that opportunity, increasing the chances that you (or your teammates) will get a kill that you otherwise would not have. Basically, all you have to do is put your crosshair over someone and it’ll fire at them,