
I’m surprised it wasn’t signed, “-Jason Mraz” after the “Expect us” bit.

Know who else “points” to that? The dude with the 30-star comment right above you, an hour-and-a-half prior.

are you the one who has been coming up with the awesome descriptions of the Don these past few months? I’ve been DYING laughing at some of the shit you guys have been referring to him as. lol

Well done! =)

Clickballs. Clickdick. Cockballs. Testebait.

It does? I thought the guy on the front was the “urethra,” the one near our jaw was the “mouth,” the ones under our nose were the “nostrils,” and the ones in our ears were known as “canals?” Am I missing one (or more?)

Jesus, man. I didn’t even know there were other replies. I’m sorry for saying anything at all. Have a good one.

Them obeying the law and using red buttons on EU models is dumb on their part?

It’s the law, so on whose part is it dumb?

Yeah. His coordination is just stupid good. Some people will say it’s an indictment on him/his family that he plays videos games that much. I say it’s incredible that he’s that dedicated to something at such a young age. Good for him.

This. If you’re looking to start enjoying speedrunning, you’ll find that it’s a commonality that players use the Japanese versions of most games specifically for this reason. Less text = less to skip = less time spent playing the game = shorter run.

Center City Philly isn’t struggling to fill hotel rooms. There are ALWAYS a ton of tourists in the area of the Parkway. The Franklin Institute is there. The Art Museum is there. The Penn Archeology Museum, the Mutter, Avenue of the Arts, a bunch of historical landmarks, etc. are all there. I’m genuinely not sure what

Center City Chicago is so much larger than Center City Philly (dated a girl from Chitown for three years, and have been to the city many times. I love Chicago. I’ve lived in Philly my whole life. It’s okay), and I’m confident that if the draft is on the parkway, many local businesses WILL lose money. The area around

No, it’s actually like Sarah Palin fucked Sarah Palin and the resulting inbred, impossibly stupid abomination learned nothing during childhood except, “White people are actual angels. All others are chupacabra. Also, I should avoid Katie Couric.” whose most closely-held belief is that all Alaskans are Eskimos. Michael

Hatred really does make people do stupid shit in pretty much every walk of life. If there were a way to genuinely abolish hate in the world, I think we’d actually have no choice but to explore how we’d do it.

lol, all evil things must come to an end. Pretty sure that’s how that saying goes, anyway =P

Have a great day, sir/ma’am =)

...look at those stars, God dammit. The mark of the beast!

Here’s the image I saw specifically that I think supports the Khvostov theory, Jason —

Hopefully in the toy chest, where they belong. Lego mindstorms are fun as hell, btw.

I’ll stick to my blocks thank you very much.

...or “Sweep the Leg”