
My first suggestion would’ve been “The Iliad.”

...I’m sure you can guess what my second would’ve been if Bill didn’t like the first.

...but it came after Hybrid Theory, and given that he was only referring to when his consciousness began (not when his consciousness decided which was the better record), there’s no issue here.

P.S. Meteora was the better record.

...and their mentors, “The.”

Do you lack basic reading skills? My entire point was based around the idea that Sid should actually be around 53% (which is literally a point from where he ended up), and Couture would end up around 47% (which is literally a point from where he ended up), and that a 17% swing, putting Crosby at a 70% faceoff win

Your point is proven? That’s not a 17% swing, genius.

That’s a 10% swing, which is MUCH more in the realm of possibility. 1-in-10 more wins versus 1-in-5.

Yep, “your point is proven.”



1. I don’t mean that the rope would LITERALLY float, but if you were holding a piece of rope at its center and then jumped in the water, the ends of the rope would sink more slowly than you because they have less mass than you, and therefore, those ends would be dangling above your head (depending on their length, of

The core gameplay, for the most part, is the same. I agree with that. As for the “feel,” I disagree. There were moments in the trailer that were far more tense and atmospheric than they ended up being in the main game specifically because some of the visuals hurt the immersion for me, making it more difficult for me

95%, huh? I was thinking more like 65%. Maybe you just need to flip and reverse your 9. Go on YouTube and you can find a great tutorial that Missy Elliot did on that.

I think we’re looking at two completely different videos or something. The Far Cry comparisons were the most shocking, in my opinion. The pre-release footage looked SO MUCH BETTER from several standpoints: Greater depth of field (and a more “realistic” DoF effect), the particle effects were actually present as more

Now I’m wondering if a GoT RPG from Telltale would be good.

Given that we’ll probably never know, it’s now going to bother me. ::sigh::

This screenshot...

That’s because I replied with blockquote formatting, because irony.

Notice how the text background is gray? That’s because you formatted the post using blockquotes, genius.

“My” pizza. lol.

Stop misusing blockquotes in replies, btw. Just reply. Like normal people.

Yeeeeeep. Calling you out for saying something as stupid as Little Caesar’s (which you just can’t seem to spell correctly, for some reason) “doesn’t even resemble pizza,” which is patently fucking ridiculous, is the same as the full-scale “defense” of $5 pizzas.

What you’re doing doesn’t even qualify as “grasping at ever tasted the water in Trenton? You don’t have a clue.


Nope. By my logic a 17% swing doesn’t happen “just because.” Twist it however you want, but it doesn’t change the facts.

Have a nice day.

I was born in Philly. I know what pizza looks like. Saying it doesn’t “resemble pizza” doesn’t tell me shit, aside from the possibility that you may need to talk to an optometrist. Have a nice life.