
Oh Jesus Christ, you’re fucking insufferable. We’re talking about a $5 pizza, and you’re bringing up pizza “not being good for you” and “better quality pies” when you want to “abuse/treat yourself.”

I don’t know how someone with a name as good as “gokartmozart” can be as much of a prick/toolbag as you just were with

Even if he is feeling sour grapes, I think this is more directly related to the fact that Sid won the faceoff that led to the overtime winner last night. I think it’s pretty obvious that this is why he’s bringing it up. He was probably already pissed off that Sid was having his way with him in the circle, and maybe

Except if you do the math, Crosby’s won 17 of his last 24, which is a 70% clip. If Couture’s running at a 47% clip for the season, that means that on average, Crosby would be winning 53% of the faceoffs.

Now, even if you wanted to say that Sid is just dominating an inferior faceoff-taker, there’s no way in hell you’d


(So much for Couture being a dumbass.)

All I read was “Enjoy your pizza,” because this argument is exhausting at this point.

Thanks, I guess. Pizza is delicious, and I certainly will enjoy it.

P.S. I can get you $2.00 off at Little Caesars on two of the $5 one-topping large joints if you want. Let me know and I’ll talk to my people. However, just know that

You made an assumption that ignored the most obvious possibility, and whether you want to admit it or not, it made you look like you couldn’t imagine that the guy just didn’t like the thing because you liked the thing. Also, telling someone “hey so-and-so, you forgot ‘x’!” is not the same as asking them a question.

How about we just agree to disagree? I’m not on break at work anymore and don’t have time at the moment to give this conversation its proper due. I’ll go back and re-read everything later per your recommendation, and if I’m misunderstanding, you’ll get a retraction from me. If you don’t get a retraction from me, I’m

Okay, but let’s not go revisionist historian, here. Kirk didn’t post that until AFTER your conversation with that guy. Also, it really doesn’t matter that the guy “didn’t post it like a gentleman,” because it doesn’t make it any less true that as far as anyone knew at the time, you were assuming that Kirk had

lol, that’d be hilarious. On April Fools, I’m hoping we get customizable Du-Rags.

Play of the Game: Reaper begins his spin and calls out “Die, Die, Die,” slaying several enemies and opening a window for a point capture... in a bright pink rag.

Shhhh, no more talk. Just make it happen, Blizz. you liked it then? Like, enough to talk about its quality of life changes?

...or maybe, as the gentleman said, Kirk didn’t forget it at all and, unlike you, just didn’t like it enough to include it on the list.

Just because you loved something doesn’t mean that someone “forgot it on their list” when you read their list and it plainly isn’t there.

Yikes. Here’s a slice of pizza. It always


...jaw dropped when I read that shit.

God, this is depressing. Fucking Pete.

I mean, I think that’s why he brought the snake into the hospital: So any bite specialists could identify the type of snake, and hence determine what anti-venom (if any) would be administered.

lol, it doesn’t make you terrible! It was a little random, sure, but it doesn’t make you terrible in the slightest, =P.

I was genuinely just curious re: what made you bring that up! I do stuff like that sometimes too =)

Four of the people on the list said their talent was “hot fire.”

This shit is gold.

+1. CotY odds set at 5:1.

Four years later — have a +1.

Almost a year later: Why did you bring this up?

...the mic is taking its sweet ass time to drop on this one.

Well done.