
Is this really still a story?

Roseanne Barr would like a word with you, as well.

I second this — @dothething0110, did you ever get a chance to leave a source? Thanks!

You’re an animator? Very cool!

If you don’t mind me asking, who have you worked for/who do you work for now? Do you have any neat stuff readily available (online) that we can take a look at, perhaps?

Thanks a bunch either way =)

This article is bad.


It’s always the people who make wild exaggerations like this that think shit like what you think. Starting to wonder if there’s a correlation.

Hell yeah, cosine reference!

Aside: What does “individualistically” mean? I only found these two definitions, and they were both for the word “individualistic,” —

1. (Adj.) - with minimally restricted freedom in commerce.
2. (Adj.) - marked by or expressing individuality.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say, because I don’t

Just to clarify: I’m a fan of MMA, but hats don’t work for me. Am I a homophobe who uses homophobic slurs to describe friends/the general public?

(...please say “no.” Please say “no.” Please say “no.”)

My guy friends and I were literally never the type to say it to each other, or to use it to describe other people. Plenty of people in my neighborhood did. It was just never appealing to me, I guess. We used to bust each other’s balls by calling each other “asshole,” or “pussy.” Was always (usually) good-natured, of

+1 Ho-lee shit.

You do know that just saying shit without considering shit still leaves you with shit coming out of your mouth, right?

I think you were right from the start and I was just being an idiot. Sorry about that. I think I’ve eaten too much pizza.

Have to add another reply because it won’t let me edit my other one:

Unfortunately, it looks like “Postseason Power Play Opportunities” aren’t kept as an official stat even today. That’s kinda bizarre, right? I mean, I could be wrong (sure as shit wouldn’t be the first time), as the NHL obviously knows the percentages

That exposes a flaw in my premise (which, admittedly, wasn’t really all that well thought-out, was it? lol) — 6 for 19 is impressive as hell, but it’s too small of a sample size. The Sharks’ 8 of 26 isn’t a large enough sample size, either. I guess what I should say, is that if the Sharks end up in the Cup (win or

I can’t remember a draft from when I started watching (1996, when I was somewhere between 10 and 18 years old) through roughly 2010-ish that I didn’t have a lot of fun watching. From roughly 2011 on, I think that’s when it started becoming a “feature event” for the NFL. It was televised before then for sure, but it

I’m replying because I couldn’t edit — would you please enlighten me as to what this is from? The look on his face is hilarious =D

For once, I actually don’t think there’s much to see here re: Goodell. We can hear the fountains behind him in the video, so I’m guessing they were louder to him. He legitimately may have not heard the question. ::shrug::

When she asked him again, he started to answer, and then the video stops. This “story,” out of all