
...but what’s the “effect” you’re referring to? that did nothing to help me understand what the hell you’re talking about, lol. be more specific!

So are you making the distinction that in order to be a real car enthusiast, you have to enjoy a specific subset of cars? I still don’t understand what you’re getting at. I’m not being sarcastic, either, I’m just trying to understand your position while stating mine so it’s clear where we differ, hence why I’m asking.

Anyone who is angry about this and directing that anger at anyone but themselves is a fucking child. I don’t care if the place you got your information is YouTube, Netflix, Wikipedia, The Wall Street Journal, a Bollywood Blockbuster, or some other tenuously-reliable-at-best source: When it comes to your money, any

No. They bought a license.

Why would one need to reverse-engineer open-source code? It’s open-source. I think you might be confusing something here.

...isn’t this server a non-paid server?

A fucking million times this.

The entitlement among the fucking snobs dictating the “right and wrong” way to use cars they’ll almost definitely never be able to afford, let alone spend a quarter mile in is so far beyond laughable, it’s almost enough to cause spontaneous catatonia in anyone unfortunate enough to read.

Because “real car enthusiasts” don’t do stupid shit with their cars? Reliant Robin owners have to be enthusiasts to drive those charming pieces of shit, yet the act of driving one of them is stupid by itself. The fucking entitlement in this thread is laughable.

Define “effective” as it pertains to “using” one of these extremely expensive, borderline supercars?

I don’t know about you, but the entire reason I want more money is so I can do more stupid shit and not face the consequences. I couldn’t agree more.

...because one doesn’t draw attention almost anywhere when in a car worth more than most people make in 3-5 years at their jobs.

Stahp. the fuck do you know if they had fun? tell me more!!!!1!

...because something that makes your white bread a little less bendy is the same as controlling several hundred horses of power with nothing but a pedal and a wheel.


honest question: if I actually changed my name to douchebaggerton and used the photo you provided... would you star it?

also: you went too far with the “you ruined pizza” comment. Even meat lover’s (see what I did there? bahahaha) has feelings. God dammit.

“Then your argument changed. Now it’s changed again.”

Fancy statements, those. Too bad you forgot to actually support them with anything, ya know, substantial.

“Then your argument changed. Now it’s changed again.”

Fancy statements, those. Too bad you forgot to actually support them with anything, ya know, substantial.

“’re the guy who won’t lose because you won’t ever stop typing, right? I know your kind.”

Roughly 50 words later:
“ will is outstanding so I’ll

lol, whatever you say clown. you’re saying she was inadvertently hit as though it’s fact that it was inadvertent, and that’s the problem with the argument — we don’t know, do we? either way, the 2nd place runner’s opinion is irrelevant, because she can’t speak to intent either, can she?

Checkmate. “Verbose idiot,”

...I’ll ask again, and you can just imagine me asking it more slowly or something, if that helps:

——Where did she say the WOMAN’S OPINION was irrelevant?——

She SPECIFICALLY SAID the feelings of the person who was cheated are irrelevant, with the implication being that those feelings would not determine the winner’s

This is being reported all over the net today. Looking less and less like a shit scoop by the hour.

Where’d she say the woman’s opinion was irrelevant? Oh, she didn’t? You’re just putting words in people’s mouths? I get it now.