
No. No it’s not.

American? Yep. Hot? Mehhhhhhh she’s a six-and-a-half at best, fella. Let’s be real. Also: Let’s try to focus on her ridiculously impressive achievement (because even though she absolutely cheated, she was still right there when the tape was broken) instead of confirming that your username is more of a confirmation of

...who said anything about offense?

Don’t worry, I get it: You’re just looking to get on someone’s case, right? Ah, it’s fine. Folks like you are expected at parties like this. Ever notice how folks seem to be on their phones a lot when you’re around at these things? Well, that’s because they heard you coming and

Jesus. If she would’ve actually stopped to think what she was saying at the end there (“...but it seems like an unhealthy and unnecessary phenomenon,”) she would’ve realized that all she was doing was making herself look like a jackass. It’s “unhealthy and unnecessary” to at least have a conversation about something


Jesus. You’re awfully angry that my opinion doesn’t align with yours. I know children that get less defensive over legitimate personal issues than you just did over a video game. It’s a game, and your opinion is your opinion. Don’t sling it like it’s fact. Or, go ahead and sling it like it’s fact, but don’t be

...even if the main protagonist in MGS3 were Solid Snake (it’s not), if the studio wanted to replace Hayter on MGS3 as well, that only tells me that Kojima and the studio weren’t impressed with Hayter’s performances. They didn’t owe Hayter anything. Honestly, it’s not like Hayter’s got much range, and with BB being

Explain to me how Kojima himself (let alone the studio) screwed Hayter?

“His point of view is fuck them for ditching him. Which is fair.”

Two things:

1. They didn’t “ditch” him. They “replaced” him as part of a business decision. Sutherland’s voice is arguably one of the more famous across all of the TV and movie industry. Hayter’s voice is objectively not as famous as Sutherland’s. If

The writing and gameplay made Snake who he is for me. Remember the first game on NES? Hayter didn’t voice that character because there was no voice-over. It was NES. I enjoyed the character because the storytelling (done via codec, which I thought was super cool at the time) helped flesh him out and make him seem more

So he says.

I disagree. Despite having played and beaten each MGS game from Metal Gear Solid on PS1 through MGSV, I had no attachment to Hayter. His brand of raspiness always came off as forced to me. Also, when the guy needed to sound shocked for any reason, I never bought his tone. He can read a script, but I don’t think he can

I don’t understand how he fucked Hayter over. He gave him roles in multiple games. That’s work the guy wouldn’t have had otherwise. If Kojima was in love with his performances, the guy would’ve been irreplaceable. Clearly he wasn’t, so Kojima chose to go in a different direction.

The whole “I’m humiliated” thing

You’re welcome. Again.*

*not /s

WARNING: RIP headphone users.

Yeah, that’s what I said. /s

You’re welcome, btw.

Also, the guy was supposed to be fighting someone else who dropped out, and then ended up fighting Diaz on short notice. He didn’t have an entire camp to prepare for one fighter. Even great fighters can be beaten by someone whom has the element of surprise on their side. McGregor will be fine, and when he’s back to

I legitimately don’t know what they were thinking. I know it’s a cliche thing to say “what were they thinking,” but I legitimately asked myself that after experiencing who much of a pain in the ass it is.

They did everything right from a writing standpoint, and to fuck that up with a shitty system by which to tell it?

Philadelphian, here: Couldn’t feel more sorry for the Waiters family. Hurting for those folks right now. Really, really hoping they find comfort in something sooner rather than later.

My best to everyone affected by the killings that occurred Tuesday night.

I tweeted this to @TheDivisionGame this morning and they replied, saying that it was a reference to a Division community member. It’s a reference to the Joker! Both Heath Ledger AND Jack Nicholson’s take on the character are referenced.