
“I’d explain further, but I don’t have the time to explain.”

...I see what you did there.

I read this comment, and then I came a little. My poor “little 12" (divided by 4 [plus 1.5]) couldn’t handle the utter destruction.

I didn’t say Al Jazeera informed Manning. I said if Al Jazeera wanted to inform Manning, using Al Jazeera as an example of a news organization that might want to inform someone that they are about to publish a potentially controversial story about him/her. I was going to mention something about reading comprehension

Why would he give any indication that he’s suspicious of the reporter? If you’re suspicious of someone, but you don’t want them to know you’re suspicious of them, why would you act suspicious? And so what if Peyton was informed before the story broke to the public — that doesn’t discount that the guy plainly admitted

Except he admitted that that’s exactly what he did, right?


I get the feeling the guy just doesn’t condone attempted jokes that miss the mark as horrendously as yours did. A+ for the effort though. Hahaha =P

hahaha, a million times this.

By the end of @chid ‘s post I was dumbfounded at how badly his hypothetical missed the mark. It was one of those moments where my jaw literally dropped a little bit and I caught myself gaping at my monitor.

...then I read your post. You explained things in a manner that was much, much more

You can be inclined to believe whatever you want. I’m inclined to believe that if you’re inclined to believe the “original statements” (when the guy who made those “original statements” has admitted to several media outlets that he lied to his source at Al Jazeera specifically to try to weed out any leaks) that that’s

Just wanna be sure you know — the guy who made these allegations has already admitted he lied re: Manning. The “Harrison Comparison (TM)” you’re making here is therefore not relevant.

fucking WHOOSH.

If it was level 40 I “might” be interested in this

Everything you wrote in parentheses above is fine on its face, but none of it has anything to do with what Jason said.

He didn’t say anyone was an idiot. Calling someone a “sucker” is not the same as calling them an idiot. If Bungie “suckers” someone into buying a quick leveling booster because they didn’t know any

Now playing

Give it a month and they’ll be selling “3 of Coins PLUS,” giving one a 1-in-3 chance on kill of a major or ultra enemy to see one of the coveted (but not yet in the loot table) year 1 exotics, including Y2 Gjallarhorn, etc... drop. It’ll essentially be folks paying for early access to Y1 exotics that have not yet been

Honestly, if they offered a level-boost to lvl 40 for $4.99 it wouldn’t be worth it. Literally 1/3 of the fun I had with the game came from leveling 1-40. Why the fuck would I want to pay extra money to have 1/3 less fun?

Yogscast had the liability from day 1 — they were the ones who made foolish promises via a Kickstarter campaign they launched and maintained. They were the ones who accepted the terms of the “Creator’s Responsibility” document, which clearly states that they were legally obligated to deliver what they’d promised

No, it would be the group that accepted the terms of the kickstarter “Creator’s Responsibility” document that would be liable. It doesn’t matter what Yogscast did with the money afterward. They could’ve spent the money on hookers and blow afterward, and they’d still be the ones liable. What’re you gonna do, sue the

I was with you until the following:

163 carries. 3.5 yards per carry. Not sure he can blame all 163 carries on someone (literally anyone) else. The offense has been not good to say the least, but he’s part of the problem too. It’s not like you can look at the offensive line play and just blame it on those guys, either. Justin Forsett’s averaged 4.2

I think the point that people were making (a year ago, back when you wrote this comment) was that it doesn’t matter whether or not the environments, as they existed on disc at that time, were fully fleshed-out *on-disk* or not. What mattered to people was their belief that if those assets were on disk, then there’s a