
I feel the same way for the most part, but a part of me is also terrified that now that the story’s been published, he’s NOT going to be happy, and I’m sure she knows that. I really hope he doesn’t do anything to her/have anyone do anything to her, and I really, truly hope she doesn’t hurt herself. Even if he never

Always enjoyed scoring easy goals with him in FIFA 14 on my iPhone a few years back. I’m one of those idiots who knows very little about European football and only looks for good teams. FIFA 14 loved Chelsea, because they were rated pretty damn highly.

...who said it was okay to make fun of tragedies *anywhere?*

Wow. What an incredible piece of shit you must be, even when you’re not on Deadspin trolling.

Oh my God. Oh. My Fucking. God. (+1)

By your logic, PayDay 2’s MT’s and Destiny’s MT’s are the same.*

Well, let’s compare:

...or the Jets in the second.

That’s fair. If you manage to get your hands on a pair of Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, you’ll get two of those invis grenades. When I run nightstalker and have those on, I still run Int/Disc so that I can have two invis grenades AND two normal grenades. The best of both worlds =)

That’s fair. I guess my feelings of not having enough legendary marks are legitimately just me being an impatient prick. That’s probably what it is.

2 daily heroics is 30 marks, and 2 daily crucible playlist plays is 30 marks. That’s 60 marks max in two days, right? Unless you throw in the weekly crucible playlist, which is a max of 30 legendary marks per week, but after two days, the most you’ll have there is 90 in two days, and then after that you’re back to 60

Do yourself a favor and go check out Vibez87 at He’s a lighthouse sherpa who helps his subs/followers get to the lighthouse all day, every day (when ToO is around). Given that his channel isn’t huge, you have like a 1-in-25 chance of being the person he picks to go most days. It really works out

You can’t do 4 daily though. You can only do each daily once per account, not once per character. So you get 30 marks a day from dailies.

That’s interesting, because I also earn legendary marks WAY more slowly than I ever earned Crucible/Vanguard marks. Literally everything you did got you crucible or vanguard marks before. Now once you’ve finished the dailies, where else can you get legendary marks outside of dismantling shit or hitting heroic strikes

Why Int/Str? For the invis grenades? I’m straight Int/Discipline because once I got over nightstalker, it occurred to me that Golden Gun still absolutely destroys in crucible.


“faux fox skin,” is also alliteration.

Good God.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that line of thinking. There are a lot of people who value the aesthetic of their vehicle over other factors. I personally am not one of them, and I don’t find the exterior of this guy ugly, either, but I’m sure you’re not the only one who feels that way. If you ever do get

Pop a special synth and then pop a bunch of motes. Problem solved! =)

(extension of Jason’s comment), at ALL.

I was legitimately overwhelmed by the amount of shit there was to do with TTK. Bungie fucking knocked it out of the park with this release. Period.

I won’t be home for another few hours, but if you can hang tight, add me — Two1Schfifty5 =)

Has every Battlefront game been third-person? I thought this was going to be an FPS, though I’ve been wrong before. Can one switch between both viewpoints in this game? Anyone know?