
That’s partially because the audio in AI was just so incredibly good that even if you wanted not to be afraid, you don’t really have a choice. Were you playing with headphones? If so, didn’t the hair on the back of your neck stand up when you heard the alien drop down from the vents behind you? That kind of suspense

He closes his mouth before the scare occurs, and it looks to me like he’s swallowing his spit. Go look in the mirror when you swallow your spit, and you’ll see your “Adam’s apple” first move down your throat and then back up again.

I completely disagree that he’s trying to suppress his emotion. If he’s suppressing

Whiz is fucking gross. People who say the phrase “Wiz wit” make me want to die and come back as the cheez wiz that eventually kills them emotionally from the inside out.

I think he was making a Big Lebowski reference. I hope so, anyway, because I read the phrase exactly as such.

The Navy Yard DiNic’s has possibly the world’s greatest incarnation of that very sandwich.

Eagle fan here. Laughed throughout the entire thing. Well done.

Now playing

I know I’m over a year late on this, but as an Eagle fan, I still think the way Elliot Shorr-Parks painted DeSean in whatever NJ paper he wrote for was a fucking joke. It was a smear job, and it was almost certainly perpetrated by the Eagles. Chip was looking for a way to get out from under a $10 million contract that

If you don’t think every team in the NFL is deflating balls, I feel for you. That naiveté is going to get you in trouble one day.

2:26 — “What a hunt.”

So if I snuck into dude’s bedroom and shot him twice in the face, would I get to call it a “hunt?”

...the fuck is wrong with you, Drew?

I was totally looking at the wrong dude (dude above the dude giving the blowie — in the hat who decides to take a selfie at the end). Christ.

Oh no sweat man. Thanks for the reply regardless. You were kind and informative. Can’t ask for more than that on the internet. =)

Sheesh. I guess I’m the only one who didn’t notice the lightning. Thanks for letting me know regardless. I would’ve had no idea if you guys hadn’t enlightened me, and I would’ve gone on thinking this was a bunch of baseball players walking off the field at the same time for unknown reasons.

Apparently lightning struck just outside the stadium. Would scare the hell out of me.

Apparently so. I didn’t notice it at all at first, so you’ve got better eyes than me.

Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the link. Much appreciated.

What was this? Was it really a balk? EVERYONE on the field reacted super suddenly.

I have a 50Mb down/50Mb up connection in Philly (and during peak hours it drops to roughly 33 down, 30-31 up) but my speed fluctuates at absolutely insane levels. The highest download speed ever reported by the “test my connection” tool for me was 4.3 Mb down, 2.1 Mb up.

I’m now on my 44th hour downloading GTA5, which

That Wrigley comment. Clever/brilliant. +1

Couldn’t agree more. I don’t know if Sandoval is usually a dirty player (it’s hard to imagine a dude nicknamed “Panda” being that kind of player), but this was a fucking joke.

Ty Cobb would’ve been applauding Sandoval in the dugout if he weren’t already haunting Tommy Lasorda’s cupboard.