...did you miss the sarcasm?
I’m in disbelief that this has only been starred 23 times. I’m dying over here. Well done!
Why this isn’t sticky’d (sp?) as the top-story on Deadspin at least for a few days is beyond me. Our WNT won the world cup on the day of our independence, yet this story falls below a NASCAR wreck. I understand that NASCAR is popular, but guys, WE’RE WORLD CHAMPIONS. Does that not warrant a few days of top-billing?
This, I love. +1
I don’t see it.
“...as was the old way.” Spit out my fucking pizza crust at this one. Bravo.
Apparently it actually was an engagement party. She commented that others folks who were AT the party were congratulating them on their engagement via Social Media. Not their marriage, but their engagement. It could obviously be bullshit, but I know that in Spain they have lavish engagement parties which are…
This isn’t why I hate Adam Sandler movies.
Go watch again for yourself: The catcher *clearly* sets up roughly in the middle of the plate and then does a tiny little hop (while still crouched) toward the inside of the plate, setting his glove-level roughly at Laroche’s knees on the inside-corner of the dish, and then has to extend his arm completely outside to…
Why was it “never” heading where the catcher’s mitt was? I’m not being sarcastic, either. I’m legitimately interested to know why you think that. You say it like it’s fact.
I’ve always, always, always thought that catcher’s put their mitt where they want the pitcher to put the ball. Sure they’ll sometimes set up, slap…
I’m a Sixer fan, but I still can’t help but appreciate how clever this is. God dammit.
Good God, I can’t handle stuff like this. About half way through the video I came ::this close:: to crying for a person I’ve never even met specifically because I feel so strongly for his friends and family, who obviously had to have loved the hell out of him to go so far as to create this super touching memorial.…
What I’m hearing in spots where you wrote [unintelligible]:
Two years later: +1.
A decade for HL3, as well. Great games take a great amount of time to develop. Patience is rewarded. In the case of HL3, GOD do I hope everyone’s patience is rewarded.
I wasn’t being sarcastic. I was trying to be assuring. In my opinion, as long as they follow the formula from FF7 while upping the graphics to modern-levels, that’s a major step in the right direction for me. FF7 is one of those games where I’d love to re-live the story again, and simply adding a gorgeous new paint…
At this point I was pretty convinced myself, but was TERRIFIED to believe it. It wasn’t until I saw Barrett’s arm and then Cloud’s beautiful, beautiful steel roll into the frame that I let my disbelief go and just exploded into pure joy. FF7 was a great, great experience for me, perhaps the best of all the gaming I…
Whatever the narration suggests, I’d say the big ol’ six-letter “REMAKE” stamped across the screen at the end there should’ve pretty much disabused that notion for ya.
Well. In that case, all they’ll have to do is, ya know... copy FF7 with HD graphics. That’ll probably knock your socks off.