
I was actually supporting your point that that phrase has been around forever. Didn’t mean to come off like I was challenging your opinion. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if it had been around while the Spectrum still stood, but you’re probably right.

There is no way in hell this is a coincidence. People are fucked.

Thanks so much for the knowledge. You and a few other folks gave excellent information here =)

Thanks so much for the knowledge. You and a few other folks gave excellent information here =)

Thanks so much for the knowledge. You and a few other folks gave excellent information here =)

This is not an excuse for you to put yourself and others in danger. Be smart behind the wheel, man. You’re responsible for your own life first and foremost when you drive. Don’t let yourself end up responsible for someone else’s.

I can’t tell if you’re sarcastically referring to Sam as a distraction to insinuate that the *Rams* thought he was a distraction (which, I don’t think they did or else they wouldn’t have drafted him) or that you’re rebutting the “distraction” comment the OP made.

Because jersey sales are the metric by which talent is measured. Tim Tebow has been cut by three teams, and he’s been top-5 in jersey sales two separate times.

Given that we’re talking about recent history (since, ya know, the Metropolitan division has only existed for two years) and that you insinuated the entire Metro owns the Flyers, I just exposed the flaw in that statement. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you’re asking me if they *tried* to get into the playoffs, I’m gonna say yes. We had a shit coach and an awful defense-corps. It’ll probably be another year or two before we’re back into the playoffs. That’s realistic, I think.

OP made the point that the entire Metro owns the Flyers. I exposed the flaw in that

We can talk about how long it’s been since the Flyers won the cup, sure. It’s not fun for us Flyer fans, and there’s not much we can do about it until they win one again, and therefore it’s a little easy, but at least it’s a legitimate position for you to take. But that thing I was talking about? That’s *recent*

So dude can’t state his opinion regarding the way a world-class athlete reacted, basing that opinion off of personal experience, without getting trolled for it? He reacted differently then Lebron did, so he based his opinion of the way Lebron reacted on that personal experience. I don’t think it’s far-fetched to say,

Jinkees! +1

Pretty sure that was brought over from the Spectrum.

Unless you consider our record against the Pens, which includes a lifetime 150-93-30 mark. During the current five-year stretch, Philly has absolutely dominated the Pens. During that span, the Flyers are 17-7 versus the Pens, which includes the current 8-game winning streak. Not only does Philly routinely outplay the

I’m curious to know if they pay the Flyers, Wings, or Kixx, all of which also play in that arena (or at least have played there, if they don’t any longer.)

Oh God... the “I-95 tire fire” happened while the arena was called the “First Union Center” as well (I’m pretty sure). That was AWFUL. The city was a nightmare to travel in for months.

If you use Google Chrome, you should consider checking out the “Clearly” extension. It’s made by the same folks who created Evernote, so you know it’s solid. This is how that article looked for me while viewing it on after turning on the browser extension —

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Is this real life?