
This. 1,000% this.

Wow. Dude does this pregame and then can’t shoot for SHIT the rest of the night. I can’t imagine him having a worse shooting night the rest of this series than he did last night.

This is SUCH a fun article. I used to love doing stuff like this in Madden (minus the historic players / bringing in defunct teams) where I’d play for 35 seasons and enjoy getting to know the best computer-generated players, building franchises by signing the best players to ridiculous contracts and then trading them

Wow, this is a really interesting comment. I didn’t know that about Rose, and it puts things into perspective for me. I really feel for Kyrie, because I can imagine how scary it is to cut and feel the knee pull and think to yourself that your career could be over. Yikes. Thanks for opening my eyes a little bit.

The stilts comment made me shoot tea and fucking BLOOD out of my nose onto my keyboard a minute ago. Thank you, friend. Now I can check that one off the ol’ bucket list.

Awkward AND hilarious. I loved it.

Update: PayPal reached us with this comment, which actually makes some sense on the why is this thing being destroyed end of things:

First, a quick correction: In the article you said it’d been seven years since the last fallout game was released and mentioned it was released in 2010 in the same sentence. I’m assuming that should say 5 years. Just wanted to let you know.

Second: Want. If only Valve could get on their Goddamn horse and release

Because all American citizen’s should act within the boundaries of some arbitrary box that you define, I guess?

Here’s the deal: You’re not better than me. You’re not better than your peers at Harvard (if you even attended), and you’re not better than the guy you started talking shit to telling him he didn’t

“Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can tell you that there’s a level of belligerence in our fan base that’s a little gross at times.”

There you go again.

Have a nice life, eh?

It was in 2013. Jesus.

Re: Haverford — I didn’t say a negative thing about Haverford. I speculated that you couldn’t spell “Haverford.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“Meanwhile, every other kid I went to Harvard with could barely spell.”

Something’s fishy here.

1. Maybe YOU were the ONLY Harvard student who couldn’t spell and figured everyone else was messing up.
2. Maybe you went to Haverford College ( and just couldn’t spell that correctly, which supports

The hell was Perry doing?

118 now.

I don’t wanna get into political affiliations, because I don’t think it’s fair to make that connection. I don’t know a thing about the guy’s position on anything other than this kid’s status, so I’m not gonna make a judgment I have no context to support.

“ can lead a horse to water and all of that, too...”

Unless you lied to it 8 months prior about the state of the major structural ligaments in its leg, leaving it partially lame. In that case, you can’t lead the fuckin’ horse to water anymore, can you? By your definition, the horse (who trusted the prick that

“...debt free.”

Except the debt he’ll pay every day of his life, payable in pain, suffering, virtually guaranteed lack of sleep, potential subsequent addiction to sleeping/pain medication, etc...

Except for that.

So if he doesn’t owe shit but can’t walk anymore, is that a solid trade-off in your mind? You’re pretty fucked, ya know that? Dude’s options were:

A. Play through the pain on the misleading advice of his coach and the doctors whom his coach appointed and risk never being able to walk normally again.

B. Not play,

That was one of the worst, most annoying “goal” calls I’ve ever heard.