
A lot of these come off to me as secret regrets. Those ones don’t come off as hateful to me at all. One can regret something and not hate it. I regret ever dating my ex. I don’t hate her at all. In fact, we’re good friends now. To each their own, I suppose.

D-Rose w/ some of that old easy touch. Good for him. I hope he can put his injuries behind him and become this guy again. I’m a Sixer fan, but basketball is better when there’s parity, and I want to see the star players play like stars, just not for the same team.

(Note: I’m not a Wade/Bosh/James Heat-hater, nor am I

Strictly playing devil’s advocate here (because I think the NFL is just as self-serving and money-driven as any other corporation), but just because the NFL started ‘studying concussions in 1994,’ that doesn’t mean the NFL knew the long-term OR short-term effects of concussions/TBIs. It takes a “long term” to know the

This guy is amazing. Period.

If “ is how the community steers work,” why the hell is Gabe working on a business model to sell paid Skyrim mods and not PAID FUCKING HALF-LIFE 3. The community would steer A LOT of money into HL3. I promise.

Is Scott late on his payments to his host?

Correction: An earlier version of this post said Mejia had been thrown from the vehicle; the lawsuit alleges she was in the vehicle when she died and that Cook County investigators moved her body when they arrived at the scene. I regret the error.

Three years later: She’s still an absolute smokebomb. AND she’s brilliant. I would buy her a pizza in a heartbeat.

To everything you just said: No.

Look at all the weight dude is putting on his left knee there. He’s using his knee as the pivot point for all of the weight throughout the throw. Most pitchers pivot over their hip. I hope dude doesn’t have knee problems =\

This is so, so wrong. +1

Dwight Howard? You said “tough guys,” right?

Paging Josh Gordon.

No. Dude might be a psycho who tries to steal lobsters and shit, but he doesn't look fat at all. Maybe it's just me.

"Pathetic lies," he says. You have just as much to go on (about a minute and a half of video evidence) as the rest of us.

That's fair, and I hadn't considered that they should outline what they were planning to do publicly. I still give them credit for doing more than they've done in the past, more than some other companies have done, but I agree that if they truly wanted to influence public perception they could've been specific about

I'm not being sarcastic in any way whatsoever when I ask this; I am legitimately interested in understanding your point of view, as I'm trying to understand why you think what you do:

What is it about Valve's response that makes you feel like they're being evasive, saying "Yeah okay. Whatever?"

Again, not being

I'm a die-hard Flyer fan (born and raised in Philly) and I can honestly say that Jim Jackson is about as impartial a commentator as I've ever heard. He often calls opposing teams goals with the same fervor and excitement he would a Flyers goal, and if the Flyers are the beneficiary of a bad call, he's almost always

I'll tell you this: Now I'll be damn sure to open anything I buy that's been previously purchased and returned. That's if I even buy something that's been returned ever again. In the past, I *never* would've opened something, even if it had been returned, because one would imagine that a major retailer like Walmart

I hate these assholes that give my city a bad name.