
Yeah, I wanted to see the score. Also, I actually thought he'd broken the machine. I'm guessing he didn't actually break the machine, and this headline (which would've been just as exciting had it read "Guy shows arcade game who's boss with spinning back-kick.") was misleading, simply to get people like me who wanna

...and then it was un-debunked in the video that's literally 2000 pixels or so about what you just said. In fact, the video makes a pretty damn good case for the game being a prequel.

If you can rebut the video, I'll gladly take a link and check out the "over and over" debunking you're referring to.

"I was offering him a chance to respond to his critics."

At first I was like, "Oh, this is a nice story."

Then I was like, "Oh, this dude is DARING."

Then I was like, "Wait... wait."

Then I was like, "oh...OH."

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that this escalated really quickly, and I loved every second of it. Especially the end.

Thank God you said it so I didn't have to.

I can't believe it took until November 30th, 2014 for us to get the FUCKING POST OF THE YEAR.

The caliber of person covering this song is admirable.

Seconds after this video ended, that dude's dick fell off from all the blood leaving the shaft and ball area and going right to his face and brain.

You were bummed to find out the game wasn't all about the Lannisters... and then you criticize them for using recognizable faces? Are the Lannisters not recognizable?


Kratos literally fucked her into herself.

This one just made me spit fucking pizza on my computer. Shit is hilarious.

At :24-:26, does anyone else think the ref is mouthing "God daaaaaaamn" ...?

Quick slapped him open-handed once, and then just as he was about to half-slap dude again, he hesitated like:

"This content. Is currently. Unavailable."

barry: they're gonna cut Ronald Roberts mid-year and then sign "Robert Ronalds"

lol, you sick fuck. Love this. +12.

So I'm an Eagle fan, and this is embarrassing. Way to go, guys. Keep giving people reasons to regurgitate/perpetuate tired Philly stereotypes.

I hope the information came off as "meant to be informative" vs. "meant to be condescending," because as I just re-read it, I think there were a few parts that may come off as though I was being a dick to some folks.

Thanks for taking the time to read it. Have a good one, friend!