
"Do teams get an exemption if it's from a single injury as opposed to the usual ravages of age?"


I disagree with you. Before I explain why, full disclosure: I am a Flyer fan, but my reasoning has nothing to do with bias.

First of all: the LTIR exception is *NOT* a loophole. It was designed specifically for nightmare/disaster scenarios like the one the Flyers experienced with Pronger. (Link:

Jackson ran right past Chancellor's outside shoulder, Chancellor tried to turn and run with him, but Jackson's really frigging fast. Cousins dropped a perfect ball over Chancellor into Jackson's arms, and he just turned on the burners from there, running just past a diving Sherman who was coming over to try and pick

"We're talking with Sweeny obviously"

Are you asking me or telling me, Mike?

The subject matter of the article you replied to highlighted an assault and the subsequent arrests associated with that assault. Your response/question implies that you wouldn't want to go because of assaults like the one in this article. If "assaults aren't the only thing" you were talking about, I'll re-phrase:


"...organized violence like you see constantly in the Bay Area and in Ny/Philly/Boston."

I challenge you to offer compelling evidence supporting your claim that there is "constant, organized violence" at Philadelphia sporting events. Pick any of the four sports you want.

Before you post anything, keep in mind that you

...the absolute thrill of experiencing the game live?

If you're afraid you're going to end up in a position to be assaulted in a bathroom, you should probably stay home.


Go home, troll.

I hate the Cowboys, but I love this.

No insult taken. I asked, you answered.

I'm a web developer, and though web security isn't my main focus at work, I'm good at my job because I have a healthy interest/fascination with the web and its many technologies, so I had a solid knowledge of most of what you explained. I didn't now that they did server wipes

Month's later: I don't know if you give a shit / already know this, but if Missanelli is to be believed, apparently the person who provided these e-mails to you had been quite literally stalking and harassing him for *four years.*

Supposedly the dude had threatened Missanelli's family, told him on several occasions

Is this true? Server wipes every 3 days?

Am I the only one who read "Pat Fenis" as "Fat Penis," and thought this post was PotY material for (in the first two words of the opening paragraph) having the guts to call "The Wizard of Oz" exactly what it is?


Oh God. Oh GoddddddANEURYSM

"Up until the phone was in my hands late Friday evening, my only reason for picking one up was my particular line of work."

As a Philadelphian and Eagle fan, this is fucking embarrassing. It blows my mind that grown fucking adults can't keep their shit together for 3 1/2 to 4 hours. I get that football is a physical game, exciting to watch, and gets the blood pumping a little bit, but seriously: You're an embarrassment to yourself and your