I played it the fist few days it entered Game Pass. Man do I love Game Pass for discovering games like this. I got 600 games, this for some reason never peaked my interest but man... I fell in love with it and then some.
I played it the fist few days it entered Game Pass. Man do I love Game Pass for discovering games like this. I got 600 games, this for some reason never peaked my interest but man... I fell in love with it and then some.
September 23 is more than a month away, not a week
If there is a mechanism to listen to the music it exists.
They know it’s not the case, but they’re hoping that the groundswell of disaffected kids is enough to get Apple to back down.
Can someone explain how Epic can claim Apple has a monopoly when they can release their software on playstation, xbox, switch, pc and android? Am I misunderstanding the definition of a monopoly?
Considering I’ll need a TV upgrade to even make the most of what the ps5 has to offer, I’m not even worried about the first wave issues. If I’m able to scrounge up a new TV during the non-combat resource acquisition portion of post-pandemic hellscape life, and find enough units of guzzoline to power the generator for…
It’s because the people making the predictions of its failure have been rating success on specs and other things on a broad market, as opposed to specific segment targeting and brand loyalty. Sony and Microsoft are trying to design, arguably, Mercedes and Lexus-priced game consoles, while Nintendo is making a Honda.…
Those founders are long gone, taken over by executives who want to maximize profit.
The same thing happened to Hewlett-Packard. One the founders left, the executives that took that company over made the company a shell of its former self.
Anybody satisfied with America as it currently is isn’t being a good American.
she's cosplaying, not going on a date. The only people implying that are some dudes on the internet who have decided that a woman existing in a public space is therefore clearly there to display herself to potential mates. I'll say it again: COSPLAY. She is literally there to misrepresent her identity.
If your sentence is ever going to start with "Not to be that guy but..." or " Not to be sexist but..." or "Not to be racist but...", then just stop right there and rethink your life choices.
There's so many layers to this I almost want to make it a research project. The multiple assumptions and depth of ignorance behind your questions and assertions is fascinating.
"Wait, you don't have big boobs AND you're not actually [insert large-breasted anime character here]?! False advertising!"
She's a cosplayer. They're like exhibits in museums: great to look at, but you can't touch them.
If the guy is going back to her place because of her boobs then he either A) Would have been staring at them all day and could tell, up close, that they were fake, or B) Deserves it.
You can't see me, but I'm rolling my eyes so hard it's physically painful
She's not for sale, so it's not advertising. The only thing she's showcasing is her (fantastic) cosplaying skills.
you are TOTALLY 'that guy'.