That’s quite a treasure! Those are awesome pieces of gaming history to have. I’m right there with you, I wouldn’t open them, and I’d probably spend too much time looking at them.
That’s quite a treasure! Those are awesome pieces of gaming history to have. I’m right there with you, I wouldn’t open them, and I’d probably spend too much time looking at them.
I’ve never been a fan of his, but it is encouraging that a white man like him who is the definition of privilege in every conceivable way, understands that it’s white people who need to do the work and not magical Black people guiding wayward, dumb white people to end racism.
“I am a Christian, a husband to my loving wife of 8 years as well as a father of two and am proud of the life that we have built-in McNeil, Arkansas.”
This was the game that made me desperate to get a computer. I would see it in Electronic Boutique and just stare at the box longingly. It was the first game I bought a few years later when I could finally get a computer. Good memories.
And now for all the regressive man children to puff their chests in comments...
Why are you surprised? Isn’t finding bugs exactly what betta testing is for?
But can it run doom 🤔
Its odd because for me with my life (kids, job, mortage, etc). I can justify buying a $500 console every couple years way easier then dropped the couple grand I would for a new gaming PC.
Have you seen Rebel Galaxy Outlaw? Firmly in the Freelancer/ Privateer mold.
For everyones sake I’m not preordering it, just because every other game I’ve preordered the last 3 years has been a dud...but it might be a Saturday pickup if the reviews are good.
Totally, first game I pre-ordered in..... I don’t even know what time is anymore.
I would have but I’m sitting on an Epic Games Store coupon thats no good on pre-orders, second its live though I’m grabbing it for $10 off.
Like I said, fuck the United States broadband industry.
I’m all for unlimited bandwidth, but I will say when Comcast made it unlimited for a while at the start of the pandemic, my internet could no longer support working from home during dinnertime/prime time hours, presumably because all of my neighbors were enjoying some kind of nightly download/streaming buffet. I work…
1280 GB data cap? Lucky. I have a “friendly local ISP” that has a monopoly so data cap here is 250 GB/month. To fill the external HD in the article would take me 4 years (with ZERO additional internet usage) or cost me probably $14,000 dollars. Would literally be cheaper to fly somewhere, download everything, and fly…
Cox customers (and our 1280 GB data caps) have that option as well... but it’s a lot more expensive. $30 for an extra 500 GB added to our cap, or $50 for no cap.
I don’t know if it’s universal, but Xfinity gave me a “deal” to bypass my data cap for $20 a month. I took it because it’s still cheaper than paying for the overages when I mess up and go over, and while on one hand I feel dirty for paying it, it gives me the peace of mind that lets me just stick it to them and do…
It’s nice to have ISP that doesn’t have a monthly bandwidth limit. Unfortunately, there’s no option in my area. I’m stuck with Comcast’s measly 1 TB limit per month. This is one reason I’m sticking with the disc version for PS5.