I love this episode so much. But Filoni just about did me in with the Rebels finale epilogue.  Button pushing in the very best way.

It’s hard to narrow down Filoni’s best achievement between this episode, the final 4 of Rebels, or the final 4 Clone Wars, and I’m happy that I can’t figure out which is best.

The instant that duel was over, I knew it would forever be my favorite. One thing I’ve read people talking about is the move Maul tried to use right at the end was butting Kenobi in the face with the hilt of hit saber, the same move that killed Qui-Gon. Kenobi anticipated and slashed right through the hilt. Kenobi had

I swear Disney should NOT recreate this in live action. It's perfect the way it is.

The dopest high-level duel I’ve ever seen. 

I cried. It was beautiful. 

That’s quite a treasure! Those are awesome pieces of gaming history to have. I’m right there with you, I wouldn’t open them, and I’d probably spend too much time looking at them.


I’ve never been a fan of his, but it is encouraging that a white man like him who is the definition of privilege in every conceivable way, understands that it’s white people who need to do the work and not magical Black people guiding wayward, dumb white people to end racism.

“I am a Christian, a husband to my loving wife of 8 years as well as a father of two and am proud of the life that we have built-in McNeil, Arkansas.”

Major props if Brad Boimler is in this novel.

Trek books are never considered “canon”, but stuff originally from the books have migrated onto the screen. (Notably, Kirk’s middle name being “Tiberius”, and Sulu and Uhura’s first names.)

IMHO, Vermithrax is probably the greatest cinematic dragon to ever grace a live-action movie:

This was the game that made me desperate to get a computer. I would see it in Electronic Boutique and just stare at the box longingly. It was the first game I bought a few years later when I could finally get a computer. Good memories.

Ever hear that fan theory that Willow is set on an isolated planet in the Star Wars galaxy and the magic is just different interpretations of the Force? Also Bavmorda is a Nightsister (they apparently retconned the witch from The Ewok Adventure as one).

Labyrinth was a perfect storm of Lucas, Henson, Bowie and even a former Python (Terry Jones).

And now for all the regressive man children to puff their chests in comments...

The biggest problem with Solo is it goes a bit too far in demystifying the character. It covers pretty much everything we’d ever been told about Han in the other films in the space of one film. Meeting Chewie, winning the Falcon off Lando, doing the Kessel run. The film just blitzes through everything like it’s

I’d say the 97% number is fairly accurate. But, much like with comics, it’s not so much the throwaway story that you’re currently reading, but the way the world is getting developed.