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    Wait - when you say “Until this moment,” you mean while seeing these comments on this Matrix article on io9? As in, you hadn’t realized until hours ago that well before Solo was released, The Clone Wars and later Rebels had established Maul improbably survived being the events of The Phantom Menace?

    You have a  strange idea of what constitutes a bold assumption.

    I was going to mention this if someone else didn’t.

    Oh, I know; I just find it sad that the company didn’t retain that culture, that’s all.

    Wasn’t Activision founded, way back in the day, by a bunch of former Atari programmers rebelling against just this sort of thing - executives reaping the rewards while the folks who actually made games were treated like dirt and paid accordingly? That, and wanting credit for their work, like any other creator, which

    Part of my weekend is being spent helping my dad move, but when I’m not doing that I’m finally picking up with LEGO Dimensions again after having left it alone a few months. I started collecting all the packs for the game around May or June of 2017, when rumors of its impending discontinuation were already swirling,

    Sweet! Though all these comments about the difficulty have me wondering whether I’ll ever have a chance of finishing it. It’s still hard to resist, though.

    I usually play on the default and/or the medium setting, which usually seem to be one and the same. I’m not sure how often I’ve made a point of trying lots of different difficulty settings since the Atari VCS days, though I do sometimes pay attention to them.

    My “top” ones in what sense - my three personal favorites?

    What bullshit. Mitch, Donald, and their cohorts aren’t fit to stand in Lewis’s shadow.

    Oh, God, I hadn’t even thought about his replacement. That would be utterly vile of Kemp to do, so of course he’ll do it, I have little doubt.

    Since I see lots of folks are talking about their controllers, I want to mention my old CH Products Flightstick Pro, which I got back in the ‘90s pretty much specifically for Star Wars - X-Wing, though of course I also used it for other games like Descent. Mine was the ADB version since I used a Mac, but the same

    For a few months it definitely felt that way to me, too, but man, some games these days are freaking huge. And even when they aren’t, once you get enough of them, well...

    I have thought about that; it certainly hasn’t escaped me that an external drive a) would be super-easy; b) would not restrict me to a 2.5” drive (and would thus offer both a greater capacity and a better price per gig); and c) would combine with the existing drive rather than replacing it for even greater storage

    Thanks for the tip! I’d seen that drive, but didn’t realize it went on sale that often. I’ll wait for that.

    I’m approaching the eight-month mark as the owner of a PS4 with a 1-terabyte drive, and I’m already (?) at that point where I need to make space to accommodate any more games, either by deleting stuff or by adding storage capacity. I’d rather not do the former, so I’m looking at hard drive options now, and hope / plan

    I don’t want to resell; I still regret selling Atari VCS games I sold more than 30 years ago. And I don’t think I’m going to be too upset about being unable to recover any of the money spent on games that in many cases cost me $5 or less to begin with.

    I honestly kind of like it, though I think it would look best if the plastic keep-case wasn’t itself translucent blue but plain clear / white, like those used by the Criterion Collection.

    This started several days ago, last weekend. I’m surprised to realize it wasn’t really reported on here until now.

    It is the next in the series, after all.