The lights are too bright and you can't darken them without covering the vent holes, yet you put the modem into a box...
The lights are too bright and you can't darken them without covering the vent holes, yet you put the modem into a…
The lights are too bright and you can't darken them without covering the vent holes, yet you put the modem into a box...
The lights are too bright and you can't darken them without covering the vent holes, yet you put the modem into a…
If this is Heaven, it's a whole lot scarier than I would have imagined. Also darker with entirely too much makeup.
I know this is supposed to be about Ditka being awkward, but I watched the next... I guess you could call it a segment? ... and immediately wondered what in the hell I was watching. How is this a show on any network and not just some dude walking around getting fat and being yelled at by people working in a hot dog…
I could not agree more. As a native of the Springfield, MO area and a current Kansas City resident, there isn't a team I loathe more than the Cardinals. Aside from my family and and another longtime friend growing up, everyone I know from those days are Cardinals fans. And every single one of them were claiming Royals…
I don't for one second believe that many people listened to that craptastic "song" by Chris Brown.
I think the real story here is this:
Was Drake wearing ... capris?
Saban leaving a team to go somewhere else? SAY IT A'INT SO!
VOTE: SOG Powerlock Multitool(s)
For me it came down to SOG and Leatherman. Everything else is several steps below the two. For my needs, the SOG came with everything I wanted, and the added plier power given by the gear system is a definite advantage. I've gotten it totally wet and experienced no rusting or abnormal…
That explains the look of defeat on its face...
Is it just me, or does that pug also look like it's getting fisted? It can't be just me...