
Nope, I’m still waiting for Mega Man Legends 3. I’ve never cared for the original series.

So glad this worthless trash is finally off the front page banner.

Just want to give anyone browsing the comments a heads up that I was wrongfully unstarred for this post. I’ll be abandoning this burner and making a new one, which is fine by me.

Your missing the point. No one is mad becasue the review is bad, people are mad because the dude hated the game before it even touched his system. He hated it before it was even in development, before the Switch was a twinkle in Nintendo’s eye. It’s not a review, it’s an attack piece.

This was an attack article. If you enjoy Jrpgs and you like the first one then do not listen to the guy that states he hates this series then proceeds to “review” (trash talk it without truly playing). He hated it and had a bad review written before he even unwrapped the box.

rofl sub 30fps but hey! it’s 4k!

Please Fahey, I would really love to hear your thoughts on it.

Honestly, I think aby critic looking at the Xenoblade series can tell you that it’s pulpy-trash. They’re JRPG in it’s purest weeb form. Stereotypes everywhere - repetitive gameplay with overly complicated systems that do nothing. Tales of series is similar. However I can understand where the commentor and yourself are

Really? It comes off as pretty biased to me. Props to him for admitting it, but he already said he didn’t like the first game and skipped the second. Why would he expect to like more of the same? While it certainly is a different perspective, a lot of it feels nit picky to me. That said, I’ve already decided I’m

If you need a less idiotic review, even right here from this very site, look up Tim Rogers’ video. Does a great job of summing up the pros and cons of the game and whether or not you’ll still be onboard afterward. Well written, smart, funny, and informative without making their own opinion the deciding factor.

No, no it’s not. It’s like having an American Football player review a FIFA game: Jason reviews JRPGs and this is one that he didn’t like.

Man who doesn’t like Xenoblade 1 doesn’t like Xenoblade 2. More shocking news at 11.

The past two games are exactly the same way, so it sounds like they were doing what you do when you have a popular video game series and give your customers what they want and expect from a sequel. The fact that Jason did not like the first game is 100% relevant to his evaluation of the battle system here.

The problem is that the Xenoblade 1 fans trying to decide whether to buy this game want the opinions of someone who is coming to the game from a similar viewpoint as them. Someone who is more likely to share their particular sensibilities about what makes the game so good in the first place.

You’re missing the point.

Yeah that kind of turned it into a “do not read” for me. I don’t think that the review had to be done by a fan perse. But maybe by someone who is like apathetic to the game?

“I didn’t love the first Xenoblade Chronicles...”

Jason. You work a a company. I assume there are more than one person there. You don’t like the game or the series. So much so you skipped one of the prior TWO games. WTF would you be chosen to review it?

i uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh post a link to our youtube channel at the bottom of every post btw

You know what, at least in my country we dont have actual rapists in the senate and people defending them, you know? Now that is something people should be writing about. US is the most hypocritical country ever. But i guess americans are too stupid to realize that.