
Say what you will (I think you already have, by the tone of this?), but I follow her on instagram and she really does seem pretty lovely. Sometimes a bit...affectatious, but I forgive that. She has an excellent vocabulary, loves and encourages reading and supports her local libraries, finds things on the sidewalk

i love this. i love when people (celebs or normal) let down their guards and just geek out about stuff like this. because it IS cool. it was a fun day, and i’m glad SJP had a fuckin blast.

Maybe I’m just the dummy here, but I took it as her making fun of the inactive people who think they can ignore the problem?

So am I a horrible person if I laughed at “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary’s emails?” Because I did laugh. Because that was funny.

Letter 1. I’m sorry, dude, but I laughed out loud reading that. Harris got that one right. Just calm the fuck down. This is your wife trying to have *more meaningful* sex with you. I’d be pumped if I were in your scenario (grats on the 2-3 times per week, too). I’ve got kids, so I’m lucky to get that a month. Maybe

Check out Pink Ribbon Blues. Breast cancer is far more profitable when it’s treated. A cure isn’t as lucrative. Thanks to the Susan G. Komen nonsense, the mammogram manufacturers made millions.

Ah yes, the classic “My experience is worse than yours, therefore yours doesn’t count.” Way to add to the conversation.

She didn’t say how many members of her class have died. She said three of her friends from her graduating class have died before the age of thirty. Friends.

I don’t get it either. Such a strange reaction. Also, I know everyone here is from different places (I’m from a fairly safe city in Europe) but not having a bunch of people from your class die soon after or during school hardly strikes me as ‘lucky’. I’m almost 30 and there has only been one death in my graduating

That’s nothing. Look at me everybody!

C’mon, man. Did you really have to misery-one-upsmanship this article? Do you walk into funerals and ask “You think this is bad? My parents, siblings, and cats all died in a house fire.”

No, you have a valid viewpoint and I respect you for being willing to come forth. Some people are just unreasonable and are out there to make other people scapegoats. Case in point:

So was your point that you think she’s ugly, that tech bros don’t harass uppity broads, or some combination of the two? Or were you going for the super-edgy devil’s advocate “just because he creeped on you doesn’t make it harassment-harassment” hat trick?

Big surprise that the first comment suggests that some of the women are lying. Guess why women don’t report harassment, rape, etc. Assholes like you are first to cast doubt on their claims.

They are serving men, just this showing has been reserved for women. There is a difference. If they said no men ever then we would have a problem. Anyways, it would be nice to be in a theater were I didn’t have to worry about being bothered or killed. So there’s that.

Oppressors that have everything else don’t get to whine when the groups they oppress would like a break from them. When women, LGBTW people, and/or black peoples have control of and access to literally almost everything else, then we can start complaining about “we have laws for this.” Men have the presidency,

Not even remotely the same, but thanks for playing.

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

I want to point out that Alamo, which was born here in Austin, has 6 locations in town with numerous screens. And it looks like they were offering this at one location on one day on two screens . Seriously dudes, WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK? Pick another showing.