
Way to go, library. After all, you wouldn’t want to encourage kids to learn something and love the library, would ya?

You might consider adding some avocados.

I’m hoping, from the last spark of hope I have left burning inside my cynical hull- that it can be BOTH what she actually believes AND a calculated political move. That being a decent human and supporting people is finally coming back to the fore front of what we want from our leaders. The calculated move is to

Fake Detective

Why can’t Rachel Dolezal and Belle Gibson interview each other? Would it be like an ourobos swallowing its tail? Or more like an interview fractal?

“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26-year-old,”

Can I ask what Donald’s end game is? He will never, ever become POTUS. Ever. Like, there is no chance. With all of his money, he can surely hire the most mediocre political analysis undergrad 20 year old from a third tier school, with the most conservative leanings, that will still tell him “No, never in a million

She’s married to Donnie Wahlberg, Mark’s older brother.

I am seriously impressed with his high standards:

Obama was amazing, no president or presidential candidate in my 57 years could have done as superb a job as he did.

I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

I think a LOT of bears are going to have a good time this weekend.

How do I get involved in that tho

Stop, please...I can only get so erect.

Imma bring this out again.

via Google news, I landed on an opinion piece on USA today (I clicked the wrong link, I was crying so happily) that was like, “no, don’t worry, straight-marriage will win out, it’s not going away.” like now straight marriage is banned or something.

I am not a religious person, but horrific events like these senseless and brutal murders help me understand why religion can be such a force for good and for love. The strength, the faith, the acceptance of a fate greater than their own....the members of this church are true Christians in every sense of the word.