
THANK YOU. Madonna is the queen of reinvention so the fact that she's releasing her music in new ways is to be expected of her. God forbid anyone in the industry tries to keep up with relevant technology...
I think the only thing that makes it newsworthy is that a 50-year old woman did it before anyone else did.

I'm gonna be THAT person—

The only purpose of guns is to cause harm. This is not true of pools or cars so that really doesn't hold up as an argument no matter how often it is trotted out.

This is actually a conversation i overheard between two of the hunting men i know. One of whom claimed that he always keeps his gun loaded and on his bedside table/in his nightstand, and the other (a very regular hunter), who called the first an idiot, and said that was just about the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.

Sincere question: To be as safe as possible, it's best to keep guns in the home unloaded with bullets in a separate location if the gun is not in a safe/locked box. If it is in a safe/locked box, it's still better to keep the gun unloaded but I guess bullets in the same location are ok. My question is: if a gun is

First step was accidental, his reaction to that step wasn't to get off the guy like you normally would if you stepped on something you weren't expecting (on the field it can only really be a player), the second step was 100% deliberate.

If only Suh didn't have a history of shit behavior...

You have to be kidding, right? The first step was MAYBE an accident. Maybe. The second step was intentional and deliberate. The Lions are dirty. And I'm thankful Suh won't be in Dallas this weekend.

Dude, His second step was the classic Andre the Giant walking over a dude's stomach move.

The second step was intentional, and he suddenly just put all his weight on his back foot. I'm sure he didn't mean it though.

Tough break for the Lions, losing Suh for the entirety of the playoffs.

Kat Dennings is almost 30. It's been quite awhile since she was passable as a teenager...this needs to stop.

Your answer is exactly the problem I'm having. I asked an honest, sincere question. Your reaction was to insult me, while giving a thoughtful response. However, another person had a completely different answer and encouraged the question and gave an equally thoughtful response. Two different people, two highly

Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.

Seriously...what? For fuck's sake, I said it was stupid & careless. Just because I don't personally find it abhorrent doesn't mean I agree with it. My viewpoint is that some dumbass at People magazine tried to make what was supposed to be a joke (not sure how) and it bombed miserably, considering the context of the

What exactly does "stupid & careless" mean to you? I'm sorry, let me clarify: SOMEBODY AT PEOPLE MAGAZINE FUCKED UP TONIGHT.

She was in other movies?? They allow actresses to do that now? Well color me shocked! Like...omg, what was she in?! Maybe...Traffic? Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close? Antwone Fisher? Doubt? Eat Pray Love? Far From Heaven?

The Viola one is a bit of a reach; that is her best-known role, after all. Personally, I still think of her as that mean lawyer on one of the Law & Orders.

They took a quote from (probably) the only thing they had seen her in and didn't realize the shit they were stepping in.