
As a religious person who supports reproductive rights...

I can't explain it because I don't think it is. I think it's total bullshit. I am as sickened by their tactics as you are. But I don't think that using a loophole in their stupid Twitter bot to tell American Airlines a plane is going to blow up is a good way to ensure reproductive rights for women in this country.

QUICK, everyone dogpile on Burt's secret love for Rick Astley!!


I have crazy mad respect for you for your stance on this. It's all too common for people to approve of tactics when they use them and then bash the other side when they use them.

I actually know a lot of deeply religious people who support reproductive rights and struggle with reconciling their faith and their political/social beliefs. I think they are absolutely capable of intelligent discourse and have witnessed it many times.

I legitimately only found Beyonce in that picture by a process of elimination.

Agree. The headline tropes "Love is Dead", "____ (fill in beautiful female celebrity) Is Your BFF", and "You're Doing It Wrong" could all be immediately retired.

If love were dead every time this site proclaimed it dead then it would be some kind of Jesus/Lazarus/Ra's Al Ghoul/Goku dying and then resurrecting itself over and over.

Like a cyclops with two extra eyes

I think it was dumb and unprofessional. And I think a lot of viewers would come away feeling like marijuana advocates are frivolous and unreliable, which is a shame because I think there are real arguments to be made in favor of legalization.


I ate my lunch at 9:30 this morning.

I am sad because I want those abs, but I know that I will never have the discipline and self control necessary to get abs like that.

I don't think the laws are wrong, but I don't think this rises to the level of desecration in any way. I actually watched the stupid video. It's a bandanna with the flag printed on it. We have equivalents in Trinidad and they are par for the course for anything from wiping your brow to cleaning your kitchen. In other

I totally agree with you re: flag desecration laws. Wish she would show a little cultural sensitivity though.

I don't think Miley's making a broader argument about flag desecration laws. She's not trying to make some political point or anything, she's just being fucking disrespectful.

Whoa! Did not see the dissolving of Chavril coming!

A Kardashian being treated like an entitled asshole?