
I hope this makes you smile xox

I'm 28 and in my last semester of school. Most of the people I know in this tiny town are either younger than me or older and married. I'm not dating anyone, and...it's a small lakeside town in Michigan. I've...yeah, I've just kinda gotten used to being alone all the time.

Oh god, I was coming here tonight to write the same thing. I moved to my city 5 years ago and still have NO friends here. The only people I know are part of my husbands family and friends, but sometimes you need someone from outside of that network to bitch about your relationship too. Because I've had a long bout of

is there a way to PM on here?! LETS HANG. also plz be over 21.

I can't tell if I'm still lonely myself or if I've gotten used to being alone. Either way...I get you.

i just got back after a long time away. I have my bf, my roommates, and a handful of other peripherals, but basically my social circle is 2. i'm super lonely too! i keep trying to make friends at work (started in march) but i always connect with guys, and they always eventually express sexual interest. which super

I've been in your shoes and it does get better. Promise.

I wish you lived near me! I'm lonely too, we could be friends! As it is, I will send you internet sympathies because I totally get it.

I sat here for 5 minutes after I sent that like

hey i'm here too! YAY CHICAGO!

I'm moving to Toronto in 6 weeks from Ireland and I am freaking out about meeting new people/job and all that. I feel you. I guess the only thing to to is just keep going. Things will hopefully get better and you'll meet some badass new people!

I swear by volunteerism in this situation. Years ago I made many friends and a boyfriend by volunteering at an animal shelter. It also eventually led to a full time job.

Wait, what happened to your blueberry daughter?!?!? Just kidding. I hope you feel better!

Sounds like the same reason I moved this time. Good luck with everything. I'm in the same boat right now, but I'll tell you this. I don't mind the alone time. It really gives me time to think about what I want to do next.

I'm feeling that way too. You don't happen to be in the southeastern US do ya ;)?

That's the roughest point. You say you have a handful of people you know in your area; as someone who keeps popping up in new places for no reason, I've always found it super awkward to approach those folks. Is that just me being awkward or are you experiencing anything similar? Anyway, semi-nomadic me is very jealous

No advice but just wanted to give you a friendly hug. It also sounds like you are putting yourself out there to make new friends, which is great. You will. Any chance you moved to Houston?

my only advice in this situation is, take it all in. savor it. although it also sucks to have SO much alone time, it is also a secret gift. maybe youll never have this much time to yourself ever again (if you move back and have a bunch of friends nagging you, or family, or if you start your own family, you wont have

Isn't it more disheartening to see that some of the responses are from women?

Pads and tampons are so expensive. I had a situation a few months ago where it started as a gush of blood, and I had nothing in the house. Not wanting to risk bleeding all over my car, my husband took the liberty of running to CVS and getting a pack of pads. He was shocked that even the off-brand packages cost almost