
20 bucks well spent.

This would be great if it was a flipbook of photos throughout the years. We could see her transformation through plastic sugery.

All of that for making a sex video.

Well it wasn't about the church as a whole but one woman and how her devotion to Scientology had some fucked up consequences. . Um, you should check out the whole series, it's pretty good.

Nothing gets me into more a flailing flap about then a babay giraffipoo. I CAN'T STAND IT. HOW CAN THEY EXIST???

Finally, someone I 'know' featured on Jez. I saw Autumn after she was born at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. She's already a mom? Giraffes, growing up so quick these days...

I am so amazed by giraffe babies. They fall so far and just wobble onto their feet like "no, it's cool man, I'm good, no worries". I wonder why they don't lay down to give birth like horses? Do giraffes even lay down?

I can't tell you how full my Facebook is with posts about this. I'm pretty sure all me and my cohorts have done for the past week has been watch this damn live feed. Please let this baby be born and this baby be healthy because I don't think I can emotionally handle this roller coaster anymore

For the fuck of shit, dude... I have a heartier degree of disdain for Abrahamists than 99% of self defined Athiests, but right now you're just being an obstreperous dickhead. Grow the fuck up, wouldja?

I found one, it was under the fridge. I washed the dirt off for you.

who said anything about credulity? most* people of faith don't blindly follow their leaders without question. see: the entire point of this article. the Acts 29 folks have had enough, see that MD for what he is (an asshole) and are removing him from power.

AGREED. Rachel Held Evans has an excellent summation blog posts (with links to many of MD's asshole behaviors) http://rachelheldevans.com/blog/driscoll-… Mark Driscoll offends me as a Christian, a feminist and a human. I feel for his wife and children because I can only imagine what being around his warped theology

The story was about Christianity, however. Their points were on topic and valid. They were sharing their experiences with the very faith being discussed. They weren't commenting on a pro-choice story quoting their anti-woman beliefs. It was completely relevant to the story. They were commenting things that we, as

I understand the ducking and covering. God forbid people would want to discuss something that is as important to their lives as religion is.

I could very well agree with some of your points, but I highly doubt these commenters practice their religion in that way. One of my best fiends husband is a minister, I don't share their beliefs at all but he offered to officiate my (gay) wedding when the time comes. Not everyone is a fundamentalist christian taking

I got banned for going in on someone that was talking major crap about me being religious. And what made me so angry was that the commenter's history showed a pattern of being disrespectful. I, on the other hand, had been a commenter for years and always provided respectful and intelligent commentary. But I was banned

Let me preface this by saying I am not a religious person in any way. I do, however, believe there is room here for all beliefs, even if we don't agree with them personally. As long as no one is spouting off dangerous views or views that hurt women/gays/anyone, I have zero issue with this. None of these current

Fellow unicorn!

I am Christian too and I know Driscoll has long been a target of criticism in my church groups. He has/had a great deal of power but has preached a toxic message and a perversion of the Gospel from the start. I, too, am really happy to see this.