
I hate it when parents over activity their kids. Give them a break! Creativity comes from boredom.

Also, I saw in your comment above that people have told you to get into journalism and you are 100% right not to hop onto that sinking ship
On the other hand, the demand for "branded content" is also huge. Content journalism, content marketing, and that's definitely another avenue to look into.

Best of luck, fellow PR

Seriously. What an asshole!

And the job spammers, PLEASE.

Ok Jezebel. It's time to do something about the porn gif users. I know this site hasn't been shy with the banhammer in the past, so why not use it on these assholes?

try dabbling in journalism for a bit, even doing freelance work to add to your resume, i've found that it helps. good luck :)!


KINJA. BE BETTER. If this dickcheese is allowed to stay in the comment section, there's no reason for me to visit this site anymore, as there's a possibility I could lose my job because of the graphic/sexual/violent/pickone nature of the porn .gifs.

I'm just praying IT wasn't screencapping my shit right then.


Ugh. Please remove the porn shots from the troll.

Mark, honey you know I love you right? There is someone spamming all your posts with weird sex gifs. So.

I would hate this.

I've been following the argument between you and he, and you're completely right; it's bizarre how staying kind and respectful can (eventually) whittle them down and change their approach/tone.

To make a statement about "how easy" it's become is the kind of generalization that calls for asking a question like "What's your experience?" as Whoopi had asked Elisabeth more than once during her time on the show. It's not "nasty." I call hyperbolic bullshit on most of the source's "info." And I really don't expect

Without a doubt she is barely 25 and the first of her friends to be getting married, therefore its the most important event of all their lives!!

but at least one of those problems won't be "You propped me up on a tv show about how fucking crazy you are. "

I hope you know you just set my inner grammarian on fire.

It really sounds like she's planning her Sweet 16! "If you talked shit behind my back, *your* not getting invited. If you didn't invite me to *you're* party that one time, *your* not getting invited. If you didn't come to my 7th birthday party at McDonald's, *your* not getting invited. If *your* poor, *your* not

I look at people like and think, how did she get someone to agree to spend the rest of their life with her?