
The patience you show and willingness to try to see the best in those comments are truly inspiring. Thank you.

I don't. I find most brides to be quite reasonable. Brides actually get unfairly dumped on a lot in the wedding planning process. The bride in this article, however, sounds like a peach.

Anyone else thought she was gonna step on her toe??

Obviously, sex ed for ninth graders requires a fairly light touch. But parents can always opt their kids out of the class. (If you want your kids learning from YouPorn instead of a textbook, that is.)

Orgasms? OMG!

I can see bondage needing a little discussion in that it can be very fuzzy in terms of consent and maybe confusing to kids, when they see it on porn or referenced in pop culture or something. I'm not married to the idea - I can just see how, done correctly, it could be helpful.

I agree. I wish sex ed would focus more on consent and boundaries too, but basic mechanics and health maintenance should be the focus.

Nope. Ninth-graders don't need bondage as part of the curriculum. (Orgasms, yes.) We're talking about a generation (following many generations) who don't know they've got separate holes for peeing and baby making. Let's make sure we've got the basics down pat, first.

Or that hummus selfie hashtag thing for Middle East peace.

Well played..

You're "disagreeing" with someone about their own personal beliefs. You're specifically telling people who identify themselves as feminists that all feminists hate men even though they are actively stating that no, most of us don't. It's not that you're disagreeing about some abstract concept. It's that women are

Slapping the cat and telling him to calm down… Jeez, I wonder what would happen if someone did that to her. She's free, everyone! Take her off my hands for free!

We had Rhode Island Red hens... my middle daughter was 2 or 3 a the time. She would either carry one under each arm or she would load them, four at a time in her little wagon and cart them to the other side of the yard. Now, these lazy ass hens would figure out that if they all lined up, they would all get a free ride

Dude, there are plenty of men on here who DON'T spend all their time hating on women. I think that you might just be an asshole.

It all comes down to the same ol' tired thing: He can't get the sex when he wants the sex. Will anyone EVER give him the sex? It's terrifying, really — he's gotten all the way to age 15 and hasn't gotten the sex yet, and all the bros he knows (like, Leonardo diCaprio and Shia LeBeefsteak and those guys who wear the

Sloths make every day better!

Your patience shames me: I don't have it. Here's hoping someone other than Mr Underbridge Bropu here will read and benefit from what you say.

Look dude, you're siting here correcting Feminists on our own beliefs (which are diverse btw). How do you not recognize that as being pompous, disrespectful, and just a plain jack-ass move. If you don't like our discourse GTFO, telling us what we think and believe is not even close to attempting to understand what we

The fact that you're bringing things like this up in the comments section of a post about random celebrity twitter accounts isn't doing much to prove you're not a troll. The fact that you believe the things you're saying doesn't make you not a troll.

Could this be labeled as misogyny? Because you posted it today-