
oh you poor thing. The whole world is unfair to you. Except when it's favoring your success and happiness over women for millennia.

It's not really there is "disagreement." It's that you stated a tired stereotype, a falsehood, something that many people all over the world can actively and truthfully refute, but you choose to continue to believe and state that falsehood. So no, you're not a troll. You're just stupid.

Please tell me more about the culture of a movement I'm actively a part of! I'm sure you know more than someone who has done feminist legal research, run several feminist organizations, and attended multiple feminist conferences. I'm sure your belief is based on serious interest in the subject and not a knee-jerk

How about "Hating men is an enormous misconception about feminism."

hey! you said what I wanted to say!

Wham Bam Pow, a podcast she does with her fiance and a friend where they talk about action movies. It's amazing, funny, and they are not afraid to point out where these movies are problematic.


You know what? I'm straight and I don't want to sleep with most men. Break that news to them if you want to see them really stunned.

Seriously. All she needs is a freaking laser pointer.

Gee... Why on earth would that cat attack that exact hand/arm she hits it with,. Gosh... What might cause such behavior? Hmmmm...

Yes yes yes, and can I add? Stop photoshopping models beyond anything realistic?

Yeah, I can't really watch a video of someone abusing their animal. What a fucking bitch.


Dude you can not like Obama, but *whatever* your political leanings, there have been many far worse presidents.

ha ha, you do realize the Democrats of Wallace's time were essentially today's Republicans? History and context: they matter.

There's no irony, halfwit. The old Democratic party of the south was racist. LBJ took the national party in a different direction in 1964 when he signed the Civil Rights Act and subsequently signed several other important pieces of civil rights legislation.

I'm not, but anyone who would suggest that ANY of the other Presidents are worse than Bush must have been in a coma for 8 years. That's the only logical explanation.

Yeah, I wish I had been asleep through the Bush years too.

I don't see how whether or not he is a good president is relevant to this article.