
I admittedly knew very little about him before running mate status, but I became a fast, fast fan. The dude's got chutzpah.

THANK YOU. As excited as I was to watch this, I just spent way too long thinking about having red wine at the beach. Uck. Girl, get you something cold and tropical.

I've always liked Biden, from the eloquently-stated comments such as these (and these are on POINT) to the hands-in-the-air-wave-them-like-you-just-don't-care "MALARKEY!" moments. A friend of mine once called him a loose cannon, but I think it's the opposite. I think he's been around so long that he just doesn't give

Oh, I've been in those areas. Grew up in the Midwest, lived in Tennessee for 5 years. I was speaking more of the kind of thought process that goes into thinking this was an acceptable idea. Clearly there was none.

I knew I recognized Joelle Lockwood's name - I read a story about her when she went missing. Good lord, what in the sweet hell would possess you to think this was okay, let alone that you were going to get away with it??


I love seeing that attendance is going down. His bullshit ravings have nothing remotely to do with Christianity. I hope all the staff getting cut because of Driscoll's insanity have luck finding work somewhere else.

Well you know what they say about people from Maine...all shifty...and whatnot...

Damn, Gina! The language right out of the gate! You can wear all the stirrup pants you want! Considering I dislike them, that just means more pants for you.

False. I am the dog during le baseball. Le cat is for the NBA. Or golf.

oh my lord, that is painful!

You're so very right. I mentioned that in some other comment on the thread - obviously there would be plenty of legal hoops to jump to make this happen, and I have absolutely no expertise in that area.

Oh yeah, that's what I was referring to - just the fashion. Music and movies are in a different league. :)

That's so awesome! I'd love to see places like that all over the country!

Hahaha! I was born in the early 80s, so I had my brush with fashion toward the end of the decade. What you feel about coming of age in the 80s is how I feel about coming of age in the 90s & why I hate seeing 90s things on the youths of today. Both the 80s and 90s need to just go away and never come back.

AHAHAHA! I need to try the second one! The first one is a personal favorite - if we're in public I look down at my body and say, "WAIT, WHAT?? I AM?? I'M FAT?!" while I get more hysterical. Usually followed up with some deadpan, "no shit, Sherlock." But I definitely should try the second one! Hahahaha! Oh god, thanks

Right?? There's no shame in looking for a hookup - there are plenty of sites or even gals in bars on the prowl for some lovin'. But when you come out guns blazing from the starting gate, telling me you want to put your penis in my mouth, then hard pass. (Emphasis on hard.) I'm genuinely curious if that's ever worked

Awesome! I'd forgotten I mentioned Logan! I'm right near Fullerton & Kedzie.

I was reading about Project Fierce (maybe the best name ever) & I will definitely look into Howard Brown, thanks!

That's awesome! Thank you for the link!