
I am a straight gal, but Jessica Williams makes me feel things.

Ugh, these people. I have a perma-scowl every time I see one of their videos.

Hahaha shut up, Jimmy Buffett?? I'm looking that up immediately! I knew Collins & Crosby were. Damn, Hook is a smorgasbord of randoms.

Just make yourself a pair of paste-pants and she won't know the difference!


I just recently (I mean like 3 weeks ago) found out that Glenn Close (GLENN CLOSE!) is the pirate that Hook kills in that scene with Peter on the ship when he first gets to Neverland. I had NO IDEA whatsoever, and my mind was BLOWN. (Apologies for all the capital letters, it's the only way to truly explain my

I'm not going to lie to you, I laughed out loud at "butt chugging."

Hey girl hey! Always good to see a friendly face in my notifications! :) That guy is such a douche. Okay, you can think it's a dull idea, but if you're going to say your thesis was so much better, back it up, hombre. Let's see your academic achievements!

Isn't it GRAND? A friend of mine was lamenting over having to track down a babysitter the other night. And as much as I understand the struggle, I quietly thought to myself, SUCKA, as I walked out the door and headed for the bar... (Mean, and I don't care.)

Hahaha, I thought so! Yay, my crowd-hater is back! :)

Oh yeah, that was total sarcasm, I thoroughly enjoy being single and childless for the moment. And fuuuuuck yeah ash fireworks! That's badass!!

Yay, hi! Aren't you the person I'm going to a movie with sometime because we hate the crowds at things like Pride & you getting stuck in traffic made you late for your movie? (This is going to sound utterly insane if that wasn't you, and I LIKE IT.)

Hahaha, not offended at all. I've said some dumb shit during my time here, I'm sure. :)

Hahaha, i am not LaComtesse, nor am I a male. I am a 30-year-old gal in Chicago. :) And thank you for the nice comment...except for "normally." Screw you, I'm a genius. ;)

I remember some tweets or comments or something sort of hinting at it?? I'm just a selfish Adele-ict that wants more immediately. ;)

"...had also completely missed (or had not been given) the memo that just because someone is attractive and famous doesn't mean that their body belongs to anyone but themselves and that Lawrence, possessed of "an awesome pair of tits, though," or not should a) not feel like she can't take pictures of herself in

BALLS, I was hoping these were leaks from some upcoming album, which means there would BE an album to release soon. I really dug "You'll Never See Me Again." I miss Adele. NEED MOAR ADELE.

To be fair, she was interviewed on her first day of the project. It's impossible to know what it's going to completely entail and how it's going to unfold. If you think it's "obvious and pedestrian," that's fine. I remain hopeful for what this could be by the end.

I completely disagree with that, she mentioned how she would be perceived, that she would be losing her anonymity, etc. I think she's nervous about it and brave. She's well-spoken about the idea behind it.

HAHAHA that gif rules.